Chapter 22

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"Two lists, one for baby shower and one for birthday party" I said grabbing my keys to go to the store.

I picked up the papers on the table in front of Lilly, Tyler, Taylor and I. My birthday is in two days, I waited long to plan a party I know. Baby shower in the morning, birthday party at night.

"I'll be back in a little bit guys, it shouldn't take too long to get the stuff" I told them as I walked out of the door and down to my truck.

I drove to Walmart, because they have the best party supplies, well it's cheap anyways.

I started walking down the aisles and then saw someone on the food aisle that looked familiar.


I ran down the aisle and jumped on his back. "If it's Lilli I'm not in the mood."

"What did she do this time?" I hopped off his back and turned to face him.

"Oh you know the usual. Harry and Lilli, same old thing. Fight, makeup, makeout. Pisses me off" He admitted and then put a hand over his mouth.

"It's okay, I ship Lolli all the way man" I told him and his eye widened.

"What?" He asked.

"All of us came up with it."

"What is Lolli and who is us" he asked me.

"Lolli, Louis and Lilli. Us is Kaley, Melissa, Cason, Joey, and me" I explained.

"You guys are like fans" he said with a laugh. "But seriously you think we'll get together?"

"No." I said seriously and he frowned. "Just kidding."

"Oh.." He trailed off. "So you guys seriously talk about these things?"

"I'm pretty sure everyone does" I told him honestly. "I need to go to the party aisle so if we can move this conversation over there that'd be great."

"Oh sure" he replied and we started moving to the party aisle.

"So what's wrong?" I asked him while looking through the baby shower decorations.

"Can I trust you?" He asked.

"Have I ever gave you a reason not too?" I asked while raising an eyebrow.

"No but like this is confidential" he said.

"I'm really good at listening to problems, just ask Lilli."

"I'll put that on my list. But the real problem is Harry" he said with a groan.

"Isn't he always the problem?" I asked while picking up a few things off the shelf and managing to drop most of them.

"He puts her through shit and I'm always there for her but she forgives him every time. It's stupid and she deserves better, if she was mine I wouldn't ever do anything to her" he spilled his heart out.

"Da feels" I said while clutching my chest. "But really I do understand. Like I've heard all the stories and you sound like the epitome of a perfect boyfriend" I told him whilst filling a buggy I so luckily found sitting in the aisle as Louis shrugged.

"Obviously not to Lilli, her perfect boyfriend is an alcoholic, cheating, bastard! Lilli deserves better than the both of us" he yelled and I was glad no one was around us as we walked to the checkout.

"You honestly think Lilli deserves better than you Louis? You treat her like she's the world."

"That's because she's mine" he said.

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