Chapter 10

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I pulled Nash into the elevator and pushed the button for the bottom floor.

"Why exactly are we in an elevator?" Nash asked me.

"To get popcorn silly." I said.

"At the giftshop?' He asked and I laughed.

"No, at the pet store." I said sarcasticly.

"Shut up." He said and playfully punched my arm.

This elevator is so slow I swear. All of the sudden I heard a loud noise and then all of the lights went off.

"Nash!" I screeched and he gasped.

"What?" He asked.

"I'm scared of the dark. Do you have your phone?" I asked him.

"Yeah, here I'll turn on the flashlight." He said and a bright light filled the room.

"What's going on?" I shuttered.

"It seems that our elevator has broke down." Nash said matter-of-factly.

"I'm scared." I said and Nash searched the elevator.

He looked down and saw a service button that said push for emergency. He pressed the button and a noise beeped in the elevator. Moments later the lights came back on and everything was fixed.

"Nash, you're a genius!" I yelled and then wrapped him in a hug.

"It was nothing." He said and we both stepped out of the elevator.

"Off to get the popcorn!" I yelled and my voice echoed through the hotel.

"Race ya!" Nash said and we both took off for the little shop.

"Haha I beat you," I mocked Nash and then laughed.

"Whatever, just get the popcorn." Nash said annoyed and I smiled.

I grabbed five boxes of popcorn. I hope they don't need more than this. I set the boxes on the counter and waved Nash over to me.

"I hope you brought your wallet." I told him and he pulled it out of his pocket.

"You're damn lucky I did." He said and the cashier pointed to a sign that said no profanity. We both laughed and then he paid her and we left.

In the elevator it was quiet for a little bit until i had to open my big mouth.

"How are things with Melissa?" I blurted out and then clasped my mouth with my hand.

"Um we don't really talk anymore." He said and then scratched the back of his neck. "How's things with Taylor?" He finished and I frowned.

"I have no idea to be honest." I said and then the elevator dinged indicating our floor.

"We'll finish talking about this later." Nash told me and I smiled and then knocked on the door.

Aaron opened the door and his eyes went wide at the sight of the boxes of popcorn. He grabbed the boxes from me and ran into the hotel room shouting "popcorn!"

Aaron popped the bags for all of us and then we all piled up on the couch and spread out around the whole room.

"What are we watching?" Hannah asked and everyone shrugged.

"Frozen is on!" Matt yelled and everyone smiled.

We laid around watching Frozen for a few hours and one by one everyone was falling asleep.

I was sitting on the couch between Taylor and Nash. Hannah and Matt were on the other side of Taylor and Cason and Aaron fit on there somehow too. Everyone was knocked out on the floor, the couch, and the chairs. All but me and Taylor.

one chanceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant