Chapter 45

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Guys life is literally so confusing right now. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, just so many unexpected things have happened between last Thursday and now and I just can't deal holy.

Also I thought it would be nice to dedicate this chapter to some important people, don't think I've ever done that before. So first off, ccggtt__ because she's my best reader and she's my favorite person in the universe no matter what anyone says, I love you. Next, 5SOSchickadee because she's the best wattpad friend ever and she's supa pretty and nice and she just gets me man, holla at Australia lmao. Last, 2author4you because you're my wife, and I LOVE YOU, I CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU SOON. Oh one more? "I've got so much to tell you that I can't." ~m.p

^^ha I wrote that like yesterday and I'm writing today & oh how the tables have turned and gone to shit.

oh and sorry I haven't updated lately, I haven't been feeling well and I was in the ER the other night.


"The who?" Grace asked.

"The Eagles, you know them. Dad got tickets" I told her.

"I'm always up for a concert" Shawn added and I smiled.

"Of course I wanna go after Lilli and Kayla made me listen to them for hours" Hayes said and I laughed while putting my arm on his shoulder.

"Can I go?" I heard Taylor's voice and the twins cooed.

"No" Grace said stepping in front of me as Taylor joined us.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because you don't want this" Hayes mumbled.

"What are you talking about?" He asked and I crossed my arms.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Shawn asked and I almost laughed.

"This seems like a personal issue so I'm gonna go visit Richard and Tami" my dad said, shaking Taylor's hand and then walking away.

"Bye Dad" we all told him bye and soon he was gone.

"Yes actually I would like to know" Taylor said and we all just looked at him.

"You have no idea what you said last night? How you said you wish you would've used a condom so you and Kayla wouldn't have had the babies? None of it? It was horrible" Hayes told him and I forced a small smile at him.

"I didn't" Taylor trailed off. "Look I think Kayla and I should talk in private."

"I hate to break the moment but the concert is in like an hour or so" Dad said, showing up again. "Well we need to leave in an hour to get good parking."

"Oh wow, who's gonna watch the twins?" I asked.

"Your aunt and uncle are gonna watch them, I already asked" Dad told me and we all headed towards the elevator.


"What the hell do I wear? I was not prepared for this at all" I asked in frustration.

"I'll pick you out something, don't worry" Hayes said and literally all I did was worry.

"Oh gosh, this'll be good" I said and he laughed.

A few moments later Hayes walked out with a pair of ripped black skinny jeans, a plain white tshirt, and a pair of combat boots.

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