25 It's A Lot, Like Life

Start from the beginning

I looked more like I was attending a wedding than a graduation if you asked me. My blue suit was some kind of shiny fabric and fit me like a glove. I had a black shirt and striped tie underneath. Okay, so I looked like a hot young executive. Still not comfortable.

I grabbed the bag off my bed and went downstairs to say goodbye to Pete. He wasn't busy at the time, just leaning against the counter and chatting with one of the servers for the party later. Not a graduation party, no. It was something my parents were having and they were glad that I was going to be 'out.'

We slapped hands and said a few words, him congratulations and me something like thanks. Then I was on my way to the graduation celebration at the school. I drove my car to the parking lot and followed the groups of people who were all going inside.

The students were all funneled into an area where they were giving out hats and instructions. We didn't have to wear those stupid gown things. It would ruin all the girls' fancy outfits anyways.

The boys all look about the same no matter who it was. Well, except that kid over there in the fluorescent orange suit that looked like a fool. He was laughing with his friends and acting like a tool. I rolled my eyes.

"You look good, Lukas." I heard the voice of my best friend and turned to see how she turned out. I smiled.

"Nice rags Ames." I high fived her and she did a twirl. I whistled in appreciation. She had on some sparkly sneakers too and I had to laugh.

"Yeah. Turns out I clean up real nice. Too bad your gay ass will miss out on all this." She joked with me. I laughed and nodded.

"Definitely my loss." I agreed. She looked a little hesitant.

"Are your..." She stopped at my frown. I shook my head no.

"They have the party later. Said they would send the butler if I wanted." I looked down at my shoes.

"Well that's their loss. You have me." She looped her arm in mine and I smiled over at her in gratitude. I patted her hand.

"Thanks Ames. You know... you are part of my chosen family." I said seriously. She smiled back. We waited for things to begin and then went through the motions. It was just a bunch of posturing really. The student council president went up and said some crap. The principal of the school said a speech about education.

Blah blah blah. I was falling asleep before they finally started to give out the diplomas. Then each person went up and took their piece of paper, smiled for the camera, and then walked back to their seat. When it was my turn, I jogged up and gave the dude a hug, grabbed the paper and showed it to the crowd.

A few people were laughing and I saw a flash from the audience as a row of cheers sounded. I bowed and exited the stage, looking over the folks that had cheered for me. There was the butler, my old driver, and surprisingly Pete was there too.

The ones I was not expecting to be there though were Sasha and his parents. The old people looked stone-faced if I'm being honest. Not exactly thrilled to be there. Or maybe they both just had resting bitch-face? I wasn't sure. I can't think that their son being with a guy fresh out of high school was high on the list of most desired outcomes.

I was nervous for the ceremony to be over. My gaze kept flickering over to where they were sitting and trying to guess what they were thinking. I kept smoothing my suit and touching my hair. Did I look okay? Maybe I was overdressed.

"Stop fidgeting. It's almost done." Ames whispered from behind me. I sighed and tapped my foot on the floor to a song in my head and waited.

We were done. I grabbed a hold of Ames and ran out to where the guests were gathered to take pictures. We took a photo with Ames' parents and then I ran over to where my people were.

"Congratulations." The word was repeated by almost everyone there, big smiles on their faces and hands out for shakes and hugs.

"Hey, thanks so much!" I shook the butler's hand. I gave Pete a hug. "I didn't think you'd be able to make it."

"I left my sous-chef in charge for a bit. She needs the experience." He waved it off like it was nothing. I grinned.

"You move a lot." The old woman said with her straight face.

"Mama." Sasha said with a look. He came forward for a hug and I sighed with relief.

"Congratulation. You wear nice suit. Let's go eat." The old man said, clapping my back so hard I nearly fell over if it wasn't for Sasha.

"We need to take a picture first." Sasha said, handing his camera over to Pete. He kept his arm around me and I held up my diploma with a grin. I handed it to him when it was done.

"Okay, I'm done. Let's go." I said with an eager smile. He rolled his eyes.

"He promised lunch." The old woman pointed at him. I laughed.

"Sounds good to me. Where we going?" I asked with a mischievous look.

"Family restaurant. Nana, meet us there. I will show Lukas where to go." He said without missing a beat. I said goodbye to the others and texted Ames to let her know I was leaving already. "Where is your car?"

"Lot C on the other side." I told him, looking up and pointing in the direction we needed to go. He nodded and we headed out to the car. When we got close, I gave him the key. "Why don't you drive, Sir?"

He looked down at the fob and rolled his eyes. When we got to the car his eyes widened and he looked at me accusingly. I just grinned and shrugged.

"I'm going to look like a mobster in this thing." He muttered as he got in the driver's seat. I laughed and got into the passenger seat.

"I don't know... I think it's kinda hot." I winked at him. He started the engine and his stern face as he pulled out into traffic was just gorgeous. I was staring. I knew he saw all my stuff in the back seat too.

"You really don't plan to go back." He glanced at me with those serious eyes. I shook my head.

"Nope. I told you. As soon as it was over. I want to be with you Sir. I don't care how hard it is." I told him, looking down at my lap.

"Alright. Alright, but there will be rules." He replied with a sigh.

"Yes Sir." I said with a small smile.

"And you will have to work or go to college." He glanced at me. I was nodding before he even finished his words.

"I will Sir. I promise." I told him. He was smiling himself now.

"You are stubborn." He accused me. I nodded.

"Yes Sir. I am." I admitted.

"And spoiled." He spat out. I grinned and peeked over at him.

"Yes Sir. I hope so." I heard him start to laugh. I kept my head down and bit my lip.

"And mine." His husky words drifted over to me, and his hand came up to ruffle my hair affectionately. My heart felt big to bursting again and I felt tears prick my eyes with the overflow of emotions at his words.

"Yes Sir. I'm yours."


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