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I slip the knife into my pocket and look back at the fox monster. Koro closes the the distance between us and sit down next to me. I look to the creature signing, "do you understand sign language?" He thumps his tail against the ground with a goofy canine grin, "Of course I understand sign language. It was always your preferred way of communicating, especially when your unsure of the people around you." I arch my brow. He says he knows me but how? How can he state that fact with no hesitation?

"UNSURE?" Blueberry echos, "WHY WOULD SHE SIGN IF SHE IS UNSURE? WOULDN'T IT BE EASIER JUST TO SPEAK ALOUND?" Blueberry really looks confused by this. Koro tilts tilts his head slightly, "Neutral has always been like that. If she is unsure it is also a way to make sure others can't read emotions or tone in her voice." His mouth opens to continue speaking but falls silent as I place my hand on his shoulder. Using my voice I speak, "Koro, that's enough, it is clear that you know me but I do not know you. So, you better start explaining."

My hand still on his shoulder I feel him shaking, chuckling, "Very well neutral, I'll give you the short version. After all it seems like your friends are wanting to continue the conversation you were having. To put it simply recarnation. I have always known you and always will." Well doesn't that sound creepy and more than a little stalkerish. I sign and turn my attention back to the skeletons. All of which are staring with mixed expressions on their faces. It takes me a second to realize they aren't exactly staring me at me but more specifically my soul, that is still hanging around my neck. It looks no different than usual.

Mafia snaps his eyes up to mine, "Alright Toots, as the fox said let's get back on topic. How about we start with how do you plan on ending the timelines?" My body stiffens. I force myself to relax before signing, "First all who held the power of "Save" and "Reset" must all have a physical form. Then all of us need to "Save" the combined power of the souls should be enough to create a new point for us to reset to instead of falling into the underground. Meaning you will be free form the underground." I can't read their expressions but it's not hard to tell what they are thinking, "Before anyone of you ask no, I'm sorry. But resets will still be possible." The expressions I couldn't read change to ones of sadness, anger, and disappointment.

I awkwardly look away from the skeletons and fiddle with my knife. I run a hand through my hair with a sigh, "Look, I know it sucks but at least you will be free. I know you probably have more questions but I don't have all the answers. At least not yet. Soon enough Frisk and Chara will be at the judgement hall and things will be set in motion." Sans puts his hands in hoodie pocket, "It's all Kiddo, tibia honest you given us more information than we could ask for." Blueberry taps his chest with a dorky laugh, "That's right human Silver, no need to push yourself."

Hound's Note:
Hi everyone sorry for the short update next time I'll try to make the chapter a little longer.

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