Character Sheet & Hound's Author Info Updated (again)

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Name: Silver

Age: 10

True Age: 19 her age will change through the story by the end of the story she will be 21

Birthday: Friday the 13th (actually date is unknown to her)

Powers: Her "glitch", resets, and a secret

weapon: a very sharp pocket knife that never dulls

Universe: ?

Personality/Summary: She doesn't trust easily. Loyal to a fault and has a scarred soul. She is always observing her surroundings. Doesn't really talk around new people or in crowds. (At the moment she will only use sign language and not her voice until further notice) Her weapon is a pocket knife that she is always dropping. Hears a voice in her head. Knows more than she lets on. Had extremely rough upbringings.

Name: Sans (Original)

Age: ~23


Powers: Blue aura, gaster blaster, short cut and bone attacks

Universe: Undertale

Personality/Summary: He jokes around a lot, loves puns, and is the laziest in the group. Before a fight he says "Your going to have a bad time". Can be quite serious when he needs to be. Ex royal scientist. Can see and hear Chara. Invited Silver to live with him and his brother despite that he dislikes most humans. He is normally the one who returns Silver's knife to her.

Reader's Nickname: Kiddo

Name: Fell (Red)

Age: ~23


Powers: Red aura, gaster blaster, short cut, and bone attacks

Universe: Underfell

Personality/Summary: Violent, curses a lot, when he first meets someone he tries to electrocute when shaking their hand. Before a fight he says, "I'm going to after a great time." Is a tsundere.

Reader's Nickname: Pet

Name: Blueberry

Age: ~22


Powers: Light blue aura, bones attacks, gaster blasters (?), and short cut

Universe: Underswap

Personality/Summary: Happy go lucky, innocent, loud (talks in CAPS), optimistic, and very trusting/forgiving. At times he may seem to be a bit of a yandere. Loves making and eating tacos even though he isn't very good at making them. Maybe has a crush one Red(Fell).

Reader's Nickname: Human Silver

Name: Ink

Age: ~23


Powers: Rainbow aura, creates Aus, can be summon by spilled paint, and his drawing can become real but, can't create life, Gaster blaster, and short cut


Personality/Summary: Loves to draw and paint. One of the more emotional Aus, but can usually control it, drinks from a colorful vial in order to have emotion without it he lacks it.

Reader's Nickname: Color

Name: Error

Age: ~22


Powers: Black aura, black strings (can turn others onto a puppet), Gaster blaster, and short cut

Silver Soul (Aus Sans x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now