Three Souls of Pacifist, Genocide, and Neutral

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Chara's face morphs into a twisted grin. I turn away from the two and walk over to Papyrus. He didn't notice me right away and I tug on his arm to get his attention. Papyrus tilts his head to look at me, "WHAT'S WRONG HUMAN SILVER?" I becon he closer to me so he kneels down to be closer to my level. I grab his shoulder so I can whisper into his "ear", "Can Frisk and I go on a walk together so we can get to know each better?" For some reason he goes starry eyed and nods his head eagerly. I give Papyrus a small smile before turning to leave. I grab Frisk by the back of shirt and pull him out the door with me.

I continue dragging Frisk until Undnye's house is out of sight. I stop at a place that has blue glowing stones for a path and release Frisk. Frisk and Chara give me a confused look. Before I turn to them and sign while talking, "Do you two prefer me speaking, signing, or both?" Frisk is the first one to answer, "I don't mind if you speak and not sign." Chara rolls her eyes, "I can understand sign langue(?), so do whatever you want." I sigh before signing, "You two are no help, so I'll just sign. I'm going to ask some question and you two are going to answer. The first one is, why the of pacifist hanging out with the soul of genocide?"

Once again both of them have expressions of shock. Frisk actually uses his voice to answer, "H-how do y-you know that?" I sigh again before speaking while signing, "Frisk just relax, you don't have to speak I know it makes you uncomfortable." I watch as Frisk's expression changes to one of relief before I continue, "It would only make sense for the third soul to recognize its own kind. In case you two don't understand what I'm saying all I will say is there are three souls of power pacifist, genocide, and neutral. Pacifist is a soul that won't harm anyone no matter what happens to it. The genocide soul believes fighting and killing is the answer for everything. Neutral follows its own rules. All of those souls have the power to reset and to save. Now tell me have either of you reset while here?"

Frisk looks away guilty and Chara twisted grin returns to her face. Their answer doesn't surprise me, "Pacifist has always been known as gullible and Genocide, clever to say the least. How many where killed this run through?" Frisk looks me in the eyes and signs, "No one has been killed so far." Going off of Chara's annoyed face and Frisk's happy one this is true. "Good that means you two don't have to reset for this to work. Now how close are you to escaping the underground?" Chara seems to think it over before answering, "We are at the judgement hall then we battle the king."

"If you two are so far why did you back track? Are you afraid of something or someone? Or could it be you are happy with this timeline?" Frisk shoulders start tumbling and his breath comes out in choked sobs. I look to Chara for an explanation for Frisk's crying. She gives an unconcerned look before explaining, "He is afraid that the smiley comedian will give him a bad time." I look at her not sure what to think. "Ok but what is the person's name?"

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