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     I'm bleeding again but I no longer care. Why should I? After all people fear what they don't understand. Maybe I shouldn't of tried to save the kid who was about to be beaten up by those college thugs. But I did and as result they saw my silver aura and my "glitch", my ability to bend things to my will without touching them. The kid was saved but I wasn't so now I'm stuck with cuts and bruises all over me. All I can do now is continue walking. So I do, with no clue where I'm going. When I come to my senses I'm standing at the top of Mt. Ebott looking down into a hole. What am I doing wandering around aimlessly won't get me anywhere. I turn around to head back down the mountain but before I can take one step a strong wind throws me over the edge.

     I open my eyes and is surprise to feel no pain. Sitting up I find myself on a bed of greenery with small yellow flowers popping out every now and again. My only source of lights seems to be coming from the top of the hole I fell from. After getting up I walk over to the nearest wall to try to climb out. I place my hand out to touch the wall only to discover it is covered in moss. I won't be able to climb this. After letting out a sigh I start looking around for another exit.  It isn't long until I found a small tunnel and considering there is no other way out I go inside.

      I walk until I reach a small clearing with only one thing inside, a yellow flower. Upon closer expectation the flower had something that looks like a mouth and two eyes. If I hadn't notice those I would of been more surprised when the the flower starts to talk, "Howdy I'm Flowey, Flowey the Flower!" What a original name for a flower. "Your new to the underground, aren't ya? Golly this must be so confusing." Around this point I stop paying attention to Flowey or whatever it's name is. Suddenly my chest starts to glow silver and slowly a heart starts to emerge from me. When it fully emerges a little silver heart with dark gray marks on it that's looks like scars floats in front of me. The flower speaks up again, "You see that heart it is your soul. The very culmination of your being!" He goes quite for a few seconds "And it seems like it's been though hell. Doesn't matter it will still work." When you touch your soul  a chain appears around it and forms what looks like a noose before settles itself around your neck like a pendant. "Your soul starts off weak but it can grow strong again if you again a lot of LV." You stop him right there "What is LV?" With out skipping a beat he says "Lv stands for love you silly human. What want some love don't you? I can give you some." No later than he says it glowing flower petals form in the air around Flowey. When they start flying at you, you are sure to dodge them all. I might not know what this world is but I do know what an attack looks like. "Oh, you missed them... that's ok I'll let you try again." Flowey says with the happy smile on his face. He sends more white glowing petals at me which I'm able to avoid easily. The flowers expression changes to be less cheery, "... Huh, You could see right through me.... I guess you are smarter than you look. Not that seeing seeing through my deception will save you." His face morphs into something out of a horror film. "In this world it's kill or be killed!" Instantly petals surround me, leaving me with no way to dodge.

     The petals start to slowly close in on you. Crap, I might actually die.  But before it can hit me Flowey is covered in some kind of blue aura. The flower slowly starts to float. Then it gets thrown into the nearest wall. Due to Flowey being distracted the petals surrounding you fade out. A deep but carefree voice sounds out from the new comer, "Flowey, you aren't bothering people again are you?" The owner of the voice walks in the room from a hallway you didn't see earlier. It came from a skeleton wearing a blue jacket and black basketball shorts with a white stripe running down the sides. From head to toe I would have to say he is about 5'9 much larger than my current height of 5'2 (doesn't know she is a kid now 3'8 but Sans is ALWAYS larger even when she regains her age). But the weird thing about him he shares my glitch well, sorta. After all my eye/aura silver and his is blue. Flowey suddenly disappears by going underground... maybe.

     "Now that Flowey leafed." The skeleton turns to face me I prepare for another attack. Then he speaks "Human. Don't you know how to greet a new pal?" He extends his hand to me, not trusting him I slowly reach my hand out to shake his. When I shake his hand a weird noise sounds and the skeleton begins to chuckle, "The old whoopie cushion in the hand trick. It's always funny. I'm Sans. Sans the skeleton and you are?" I'm not sure... I had a name but no one called you it in a long time. What was it   (y/n)?  "I-I don't remember but people call me Silver."

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