The Great Papyrus

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After about 15 minutes of walk Sans stops in front of what appears to be a two story house that has Christmas lights on it. "Well, this is it kiddo lets get you inside and settle you down in a room."  I'm not sure what to expect when we enter the house. The inside seems like a normal house but it smells like over cooked pasta. From what I assume is the kitchen comes a loud and annoyed voice, "BROTHER, YOU ARE LATE THE SPAGHETTI IS NOW COLD." Who ever that person is he doesn't have a indoor voice. Sans looks down at me then calls back out to the person, "Sorry I'm late bro, I was at Grillyby' and I brought us a new roommate." A another skeleton comes into the room and he is huge! "SANS, WHY WERE YOU AT GRILLYBY'S YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO BE HOME AN HOUR AGO." That is when he notices me. "ANOTHER HUMAN! SANS YOU BROUGHT HOME A HUMAN TO BE OUR ROOMMATE!" I stand behind Sans, grab onto his shorts, and peek my head around him to look at the much larger skeleton. Another human... so there are other humans in the underground.

I watch as the skeleton wearing a red scarf walks over then bends down to my level. "DON'T WORRY LITTLE HUMAN I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS WON'T HURT YOU." Now that he is down on my level I can see he is wearing a white uniform top with yellow trimming, a red scarf , red gloves, short blue shorts also with yellow trimming, and red boots. Man, he is really loud. When I feel a hand on my head I look up to see Sans put his hand on my head. "It's ok kiddo." He says to me before speaking to Papyrus again. "You see Bro, thanks to Silver here I got a lot work done. In fact you can sa-" Papyrus tries to cut him off, "SANS NO, DON'T YOU DARE." What was Sans doing that Papyrus is so strongly against? The irruption from Papyrus doesn't stop Sans, "say I got a skeleton of work done." Papyrus let's out a groan, "I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU SANS CORRUPTING THE HUMAN'S EARS LIKE THAT." What do I have to do with this?

"I'm sorry but with Silver here the house will never seem bonely." The large skeleton seems to be scowling at Sans. How does that even work? "BROTHER I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU SAID YET ANOTHER PUN!" Sans pulls his hands out of his pockets, holds his elbows close to his sides, holds his palms (?) so they face the ceiling, and winks. How the hell did he wink? He doesn't even have eyelids! I walk up to him and tug on San's sleeves. He grins down at me, "What is it kiddo?" I tug on his sleeve again until he bends down to my level. "IS THE LITTLE HUMAN OK, SANS?" Sans stays down on my level but looks up at Papyrus, "I'm not sure Paps." Then he looks at me, "All right what is it kiddo?" I climb on Sans's lap to make sure I can reach his face. When I know I can I place my left hand over his right cheek before using my right hand to try and gently try to get his eye socket to close. Of course it doesn't work. When Sans realizes what I'm trying to do he lets out a laugh and closes his eye. Which makes me jump back in surprise causing me to trip over his leg. This causes Sans to laugh even harder as Papyrus gently lifts me up and places me on my feet. "Sorry Silver eye didn't mean to surprise you. You can mess with it now eye will try not to startle you again." Going against my nature I decide to give him a benefit of a doubt and climb back into his lap resuming the same position as before.

My right hand slowly reaches to touch his closed eye, and to my surprise I feel solid bone where his eye socket should be. I keep running my fingers over it trying to find a crack or slit but I find nothing but smooth bone. His "eyelid" slid open and I stare in fascination. I watch as his left white pin prick becomes a blue eye before flickering back to a white pin prick. I'm surprise again which causes me to fall again. Sans doesn't even bother to try and hide his amusement from causing me to trip once again. But this time he catches me before I hit the ground. "WOWIE BROTHER I DON'T THINK I EVER SEEN YOU MOVE THAT FAST BEFORE!" It seems like Papyrus didn't notice that Sans's eye turned blue for a second. Sans chuckles a bit, "I'm sorry Silver I know I promised eye wouldn't startle you again. But your expression when you fell was so cute I just had to do it again. Well you please forgive me?" There's no point at getting mad at him. I slowly nod my head yes and unable to hold it back I let out a loud yawn. As soon as I do I flinch, one more than one occasion I been stuck for yawning or even closing eyes or flinching.

"BROTHER IT SEEMS LIKE HUMAN SILVER IS TIRED. SHOULD I SHOW HER TO HER ROOM?" Sans looks at me for a second, "Don't worry about it Pap I will show her to her room." No sooner did he say that he picks me up and starts carrying me upstairs. Once we reach the top he speaks, "The first room there is Pap's, the second room is mine, and this third one is all yours." He walks to the end of the hallway to the third door and pushes it open, "Every room has a bathroom attached to it so don't worry about having to search for one in the middle of the night." He carries me over to the large bed in the right corner of the room. Then he peals back the covers and places my down before covering me up. "Good night kiddo." And He turns leaving the room, he turns off the lights, and closes the door. So far Sans and Papyrus do seem nice? Maybe just maybe living in the underworld might not be that bad.

Hound's Note: Sorry for the late update I'll try to update more regularly. I hope everyone continues to enjoy the story. Also the other Aus (mainly Fell) will be showing up soon.

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