With Us

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My body tenses at Horror's tightened grip. Why is am I acting this way? He isn't hurting me nor is he planning on it.

How can you be so sure about that?

Shut up. I chuckle, I finally lost it huh, I'm arguing with "myself". I take a deep breath and force myself to relax into his arms.

I look at Mafia meeting his gaze before signing, "For starters yes, it is cigarette burns covering the bottoms of my feet. The reason why they are located on my feet is for three reasons. The first reason was because no one can see the bottom of my feet and no one would think to check a child's feet. Just to be sure I wasn't allowed to leave the house without wearing black socks and tennis shoes. The second reason was because it is a lot harder for wounds on your to heal since with every step there is a chance of the wounds reopening. There was also the added plus of the agony that every step caused and since I wasn't allowed anytime to heal I was surprised it didn't riot off."

I close my eyes and give a humorless chuckle before I continue signing, "I was forced to walk five miles to school and five or more miles home five days a week. On weekends I didn't get a break either instead I was forced to walk to the store and to do odd jobs just to make sure I had food for the week. If it did manage to clot when I would take off my socks they would reopen again. Finally the third and final reason was he wanted to brand me. He wanted me to know or at least believe  that no matter what I did there would be no escape."

I reopen open my eyes once I finished. While I was signing everyone's eyes have become pitch black. At some Neko poked his head out over the box and not only was his eyes black but his fur was bristling. Once I finish I heard to pained sobs from opposite sides of the room. I look to Blueberry who is the closest source of the sound. His eye sockets are completely black except for the large glowing blue tears that welled up in his sockets and now is rolling down his face. I turn my head to the other side of the other side of the room. Asylum was the other one who made the noise. The color has drained from his bandaids and he is making the same face Blue is accept his tears are purple.

Sans slams his hand down on the arm rest and a cracking sound echos throughout the room. He gaze locked on the arm rest, "How long, how long did you have to endure this?"

I force myself give him a sad smile, "Are you asking about the soles of my feet or all the marks?"

Fell growls, "What do you fucking think pet? It's fucking obvious that some bastard has been doing this to you for a while."

He could use a wider variety of curse words. Sans pins me with a glare. Still not planning on speaking I sign once again, "For the burns on my feet I've had them for four years now. Every time they close they get reopened luckily the wounds on my feet haven't gotten infected. By the second year I've gotten so used to the pain that I'm often able to forget it exists. So, I can say it no longer bothers me. Although it is annoying that I haven't had been on able to wear socks without blood in years." Technically nothing I've said was a lie, those wounds didn't completely heal until I was 14.

I raise my gaze to meet Fell's my stare unflinching before I continue signing, "As for the rest of the wounds they happened at various times throughout my life. Since I know you all are just dying to know the person behind it is mostly from my uncle. he was always careful to make sure no marks could be seen at a glance. What wasn't caused by him were caused by my aunt or the other children that go to my school. My uncle was the reason behind my little freak out today. To be a bit more specific I got in a fight with some other students because the idiots decided it would be a good idea to throw rocks at a dog. Once my uncle heard about he started calling my name while cursing. My sister knowing if he found me it would end badly hid me in a cabinet in order while she went downstairs to try and defuse him. She ended up unconscious and during that time he grabbed a knife. He went through the house stabbing all the door and cabinets until he found me." I dropped my gaze to me hands, "I rather not say the things he did after finding me." 

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