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Mid way through the fall Sans pulls on my shoulder so we are at an angle. I squeeze my eyes closed even tighter. At this angle when I when we land I won't be able to stay on my feet. Within seconds I land sprawled out on something soft. "Silver you can open your eyes now. We are he-." Sans cuts off mid word with a yawn. Slowly I open my eyes and look around. What we landed on is a large couch. Turning my head I look around to see we are in a much larger version of Sans's and Papyrus's house.

"Hey Sans where are we? This place looks too big to be your place." Soft snoring meets my question as I turn my head to Sans already fast asleep. How can you already be asleep? We haven't even been here three minutes. "Well Toots it seems like he won't be able to answer your question. So, I'll answer for him." My head whips to the side to see Mafia standing in the doorway to what I assume is the dining room. His arms are crossed and he has a lazy grin on his face. "Original brought you a place we tend to call the skeleton mansion. He had good timing too. Blueberry was looking for another person to play hide-an-seek with."

I get up with a shrug, "I got nothing better to do so why not, I'll play." He stands up straight and stuffs his hands in his jacket pockets with a grin. "Good choice by the way seeker counts for 4 minutes.", then he yells, "Silver's seeker." He just didn't want to be it. I glare at him as he exits the room hoping I cloud burn a hole into his head. Once he is out of sight I sit down on the couch again and start counting.

In the middle of my counting Sans starts snoring, loudly. I get bored counting so while counting aloud I scoot closer to Sans who is still asleep. Once close enough I pull his right arm out of his pocket and raise it into the air. I drop it and his arm falls to his lap. Then I look to his face and his eyes are still closed. If he wasn't snoring a human might think his is dead. 3,2,1 and game on. "READY OR NOT HERE I COME!"

I exit through the hallway Mafia was standing in and surprisingly find another living room. This room is nearly identical to the first living room I was in. A large brown leather in the center of the room, a big flat screen tv mounted to the wall, and a dark wood coffee table that in front of the couch. The room is painted a light green with a dark green accent wall. The tv is located a the darkest colored wall.

The only difference in this room is a leather arm chair that matches the couch and dark green beanbag chair that is big enough for two or three people. Or in this case skeleton monsters. Also there is a dark wood end table. Under the table I see a large blood splattered back, black basketball shorts, and pink slipper with red stains. Horror sits crouched with his back towards me, his bony lifting up the table from the floor.

I inch closer then stop just out of touching range. I'm prepared to lunge forward to tag him if this was hide and go seek tag. "Horror, you are the first found so you are seeker next round." The table starts to shake and a heat a sinister chuckle coming from him. Horror suddenly stands up causing the table go flying. "HeheHeHaHahHAHAAHA." He turns around with a crazed grin. I watch as his teeth grow more sharp making him look even more deadly. "Good job Silver, I guess I'm now it."

Hound's Note:
That's the end of another chapter. The next chapter should be a bit more entertaining so look forward to it being published within the next two weeks. You know the drill leave any questions or comments in the comments. Don't go wandering up any mountains.

Silver Soul (Aus Sans x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now