I'm a Kid!

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Sans looks at my soul and is still smiling, well at least it looks like he is. "It's no wonder why call you Silver." They don't call me Silver because of my soul... they call me Silver because of my left eye that changes from blue (E/C) to Silver. I decide not to correct him on my this, after all even if he saved me I still don't know if he is friend or foe. Right now I'm not willing to chance anything that might give me a advantage in this world. But it is probably best for the best to try and befriend him. Let's see didn't he try to make a pun earlier if so I might know how to befriend him. When I didn't say anything Sans spoke, "You going tibia ok kiddo." I laugh a little when he says this. "I have to say Sans your pretty Humerus." He pauses for a second and I didn't think it was possible but he manages to smile even larger. "Not bad kid, not bad." Why does he keep calling me kid or kiddo. I might be a teen but I'm no kid.

Suddenly my stomach lets of a growl, which earns me a chuckle from the skeleton. "Guess we should get you something to eat. Come on kid I know a short cut." He walks up to me, puts his hand on my shoulder, pulls me closer, and covers my eyes. Instantly I tense up from a unexpected touch. He seems much larger than I earlier thought. Even though I can't see anything for a spilt second it feels like my feet aren't touching the ground. Suddenly I'm cold, very cold. When he removes his hand from my eyes I can see why. The place we are in is covered with snow and I not exactly dressed for it. I'm wearing worn dark blue jeans, a over sized light gray t-shirt, and a even larger black hoodie with no design on it.

We are standing in front of what looks to be a bar or a cafe. I hope it is the later because I'm really really hungry I haven't eaten since this morning. Also if it's a bar I wouldn't be able to go in due to the fact it's almost 8 o'clock and I'm very clearly under age. Sans is still standing very close to my When he speaks "Come on kiddo lets go in." Sans takes my hand and brings me inside.

Inside is full of tables and people and as Sans walks past people call out to him. The comment that stood out most came from a dog smoking what looked like a bone. The dog asks "Sans, are you finally going to pay your tab today?" Sans leads me past everyone up to the bar and lifts me up onto the nearest corner stool. Good I prefer corners but how did he know or how did guess. But I would really like him better if he quit touching me. After about a minute a guy in a suit, bow tie, wearing glasses, and was literally made of fire came up to take our orders. "Hey Grills, I'll take the usual." He turns to me, "Silver what would you like to drink?" He doesn't ask me what I want eat.. I'm hungry not thirsty bonehead. In a barely audible tone I say, "C-can I p-please get a sweet tea." I'm surprise to see that Grills was able to hear me. But I guess he did considering he wrote something down. "She would also like a burger and fries." In roughly three minutes he came back with our drinks. I don't look at him as he sets something in front of each of us and then walks walks off. When I finally look at Sans I see him drinking ketchup. Out of surprise I drop my drink and fall off the stool. I try to use my "glitch" to save myself but to my surprise it doesn't work. I'm surrounded by silver for a split second before it fades, only to be replaced by blue aura. What my glitch isn't blue. Why is it blue? I'm slowly place back on my stool, "Careful there kiddo." I look up at Sans left eye is glowing blue. So it wasn't my aura it was Sans. "I-I'll be right back." I say as I quickly jump down then run to the nearest bathroom.

In the bathroom everything seems so big just like everyone in this world. I can't see myself in the mirror so I back up to the point where my back almost touches one of the stalls. I'm in shock when I see myself in the mirror. I have a cut between my eyes the same one I got when I was ten and it will eventually turn into a scar. I'm also much shorter probably around 3'8. I have always been small for my age and I didn't gain any control over my power until I was 13. But going off the injury I-I'm ten again!

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