Friends or Foes?

992 37 16

Important Hound's Note at the Bottom please read and comment

For the first time in longer than I can remember I wake to gentle shaking and a voice calling my name. I reflexively flinch at the hand on my shoulder and look up to see Sans shaking my shoulder. I stare at him no hitting or hair pulling to force me awake. Why? "You ok kiddo?" Sans asks me I guess I was staring to long. I quickly nod my head and get out of bed before he changes his mind. "Silver is there some where you want to go today?" I should probably try to find my way out of here or at least try to restore my age. "I think I'm just going to explore today..." He grins at me, "If that the case take this." He pulls out a phone from his pocket and gives it to me,"It already has Papyrus's and my number already programmed into it. Answer if one of us calls you." I nod my head and place the phone in my pocket.

"Do you want breakfast, kiddo?" I shake my head as a no and Sans seems to frown? I was about to ask what is wrong when the front door slams open. An angry voice calls out, "Hey Original, where the fuck are you?" (Hound's note: Fell curses get use to it.) A second more happy go lucky voice scolds the first, "FELL DON'T CURSE AND DON'T BE RUDE." Sans looks at me with humor back in his eyes, "Come on Kiddo there is some people I want you to meet." I walk with Sans but when I notice two figures when I'm half way down the stairs I decide to stay on the steps to watch them staying out of their sight. While Sans enters the living and says,"Sup Fell, Blueberry. What do I own your presence for?" The two other skeletons could be Sans's twins. One of them was wearing a black jacket with white fur lining the rim of the hood and yellow cuffs, the jacket is unzipped two show a red t-shirt under it, black basket ball shorts with two yellow stripes going down the side, and red tennis shoes. The second skeleton has blue eyes and black star shaped pupils, a blue bandana around his neck, a gray armor like t-shirt, dark gray pants or shorts, tall blue boots so no leg bones show, and blue gloves that match his bandana and boots.

The one in red temper spikes again, "You know why we are Original, Everyone knew you would try to skip so they sent us to drag you to the gathering." At that exact moment my pocket knife slides out of my pocket. Almost instantly a bone surrounded in a red aura shoots up from under me and sends me flying. My trained reaction takes over resulting in me flipping and landing in a fighting stance towards the skeleton who attacked me. A look of surprise flashes on a skeletons faces. Quickly the look of surprise on the red ones face changes to an expression of anger and sends more attacks at me. I dodge them easily as my silver scared soul comes out, changes into a pedant, and then settles around my neck like a noose. He sends another round of attacks and I see how much Hp he has. 1Hp, he has 1Hp. I'm screwed I can't hit him. grrrrrr. Due to being distracted I barely dodge an incoming attack.

Sans interferes before the fight can escalate any further, "Fell that's enough she is my guest." Fell stops his attacks but I don't relax. Sans walks over to me and places a hand on my head and ruffles my hair before speaking, "Silver this is Fell and Blueberry. Fell and Blueberry this is Silver she is my and Papyrus's new roommate." Blueberry jumps up and down quickly while clapping his hands. Then he runs over to me and gives me a tight hug that lasts for roughly 20 seconds before he lets go. "HI SILVER I'M THE GREAT SANS BUT ALL MY FRIENDS CALL ME BLUEBERRY SO YOU CAN CALL ME BLUEBERRY IF YOU WOULD LIKE TOO." He says all of this without taking a breath. I nod my head to acknowledge him. "FELL DON'T JUST STAND THEIR COME AND INTRODUCE YOURSELF TO THE HUMAN SILVER."

Fell grudgingly walks over to me and sticks out his hand, "I'm Sans but most people call me Fell, so you might as well." I look at his hand and see some kind of buzzer attached to it. He thinks I can be killed that easily. I reach out my hand to shake his hand but first I use my "glitch" to give my hand a protective layer then I shake his hand. A loud buzzing noise fills the air and Fell's expression becomes a sick grin. But his grin changes to a frown when I seem unfazed by the buzzer. Sans and Blueberry starts laughing really hard before Blueberry falls over. It takes roughly three minutes before Sans can speak, "She didn't fall for it Fell." The shield around my hand drops and I feel electricity running through my body. I grit my teeth and let go of his hand. Resisting the need to look at my hand so I don't show weakness. I look up so I can look Fell in the eyes and grin. Not knowing if they know sign language or not I sign because I don't want them to hear my voice, "Is that all you got?" They watch my hands while I sign. The hard look on Fell's face softens, "No, but it is time to leave." Blueberry walks up to Fell and tugs on his sleeve to get his attention, "FELL CAN THE HUMAN SILVER COME WITH US?" Fell looks at me for a moment before sighing, "Fine she can come."

Blueberry jumps around with excited energy before running up to me and grabbing my hand. He starts pulling me towards the door. I stop and pull my hand out of his grasp. He gives me a sad look and I quickly start to sign,"Wait! I have to grab something first." He nods and his expression turns back to happy. I walk over to the stairs and put my knife back in my pocket. Then I turn to him and give him a thumbs up.

Hound's Note: Sorry for the long wait everyone. In the next chapter Silver will be meeting the Aus. I have plans for her to meet Ink, Error, Mafia (Maifatale Sans), Dancer (Dancetale Sans), Horror (Horrortale), G (Gaster Sans), and Neko (Neko Sans). Silver has already meet Sans (original), Fell (Underfell Sans), and Blueberry (Underswap Sans). If there is ANY OTHER AUS YOU WANT TO SEE TELL ME! Thank you readers and I hope you continue to read this story.

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