Shirts vs. Jackets

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Red glares at me, "You really are a masochist aren't cha pet?"

I continue to grin at him and sign, "Not really, I know my abilities. Do you?"

He doesn't dignify me with a response to my question, "Sure, I'll play your little game. What are your rules and what does the winner get?"

My expression changes to one that is deep in thought. After a few moments of consideration I start signing, "I did say you guys could set the rules but since you asked how about this. A free for all fight with no restrictions. If the others wish to join we can split ourselves into teams. This is a place where we don't have to worry about injuries if you "die" you will be sent back to your bodies unscathed. If I "die" I will sit out in on the side lines until the game is over. That way there will be an emergency exit out of this place. Not that we will need it. As for the prize how about a kiss on the cheek."

Fell gives me a weird look and I wink at him before signing, "Kidding, I'm just kidding the real prize will be determined at a later date."

Mafia shrugs and grins, "Seems like this might be fun count me in." He walks over to Fell's side and winks, "Show me what you got Toots."

Blueberry jumps up and down excitedly, "HUMAN SILVER I'LL BE ON YOUR TEAM." I nod my head and Blueberry rushes to my side.

Without turning around I feel a looming presence behind me. I glance over my left shoulder and see Horror standing tall behind me a menacing look on his face. I follow his gaze to Fell and Mafia. His stance behind Blue and me is protective almost as if he expects them to launch an unsuspected attack before the game begins. I
Blueberry must have sensed Horror as well. He looks over his right shoulder with a huge smile, "SCARY ME ARE YOU ALSO ON OUR TEAM?"

Horror nods his head and chuckles creepily, "You bet, little Blue."

Blueberry's expression changes to a smile similar to the creepy ones I seen on Horror before. "WITH THE THREE OF US ON A TEAM OUR VICTORY ASSURED!" His usually star shape irises briefly changes circular. They stay that way for only a brief moment before returning back into their usual star shapes.I blink and take a double take but Blueberry seemed normal.

Asylum skips over to Fell and Mafia, "I'll play, I'll play!"

I swear that I heard fell mutter under his breath, "Great we get the crazy one."

Neko walks over to my side on all fours. Once close enough he sits near me on his haunches looking very cat like. Well I guess he picked our team.

Ink turns to Error, "Hey, Error, how about we be on the same team this time? The last few times all of us had fought we have been on opposing teams. It might be nice for us to work together this time."

Error stuffs his hands in his pockets with a shrug before grinning at Ink, "Sure why not. Working together might turn out better o be enjoyable."

Error stares at Ink while he spoke. Ink met his eyes and a small rainbow colored blush spreads across starting from the bridge of where his nose would be if he was human. Ink breaks eye contact and schools his facial expressions back under control. "Awesome, let's tag in on Fell's team. Since I'm the defender of aus and Silver is the saver of aus I think I should see her abilities first hand."

Wow, I didn't think a skeleton could blush.

I look over to Sans, G, and Dancer for their decision. Sans yawns and walks over to my side. "I can't not side with my little roommate."

Dancer shrugs and walks over to Fell's side. "No point in being on the same team of Sans since we pretty close power wise.

I nod. "Fair enough, G I guess that leaves you on our team."

G sighs and walks over. "I see this game as pointless and a waste of energy."

My lips quirk in a smile and I giggle a little. "Noted." I turn my attention to Fell. "Should we do this middle school style and do shirts versus jackets to lessen the confusion during the game?"

Fell looks to his teammates and they nod back to him. "Sounds good to us. We'll be shirts and your team will be jackets."

Hound's Note:
I'm alive and updating again. If you get bored check up my newest fanfic that I added to the roster of stories, "A Little Guarded".

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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