Save or Not

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The room around us morphs into a pitch black landscape. I'm no longer sitting on Horror's lap but, now standing. My look down at myself and see all my color has left me instead I'm now out lined in sliver. With a large smile I stretch my arms and body. For the first time since I've fallen down to the underground I fell no pain. I close my eyes and feel the full power of my glitch as my magic runs through my veins. I feel whole again, to bad this won't last. As soon as I return to reality the all will return to how it was before hand.

I spin around with a big smile to face the skeletons and Koro. Unlike me they all retained their color but each of them are outlined in the same color of their aura. They all stay still momentarily trying to gather their bearings. Unsurprisingly Blueberry is the first to recover, "WOWIE HUMAN SILVER WHAT JUST HAPPENED?"

I grin at him and hold out my arms gesturing to the nothingness around us before signing, "Welcome all of you to the place I call, for lack of a better name, the reset realm."

Blue is taken aback at my cheerfulness and tries to find some nice words to say about the place, "It's..."

Ink cuts Blueberry off, "It's so colorless here." He stops talking to quickly look around and at Koro and the other skeletons before has gaze ends on me. "Why are we in color and you're not?"

I'm still grinning while I sign, "That's because you guys are just visitors here. We are technically in a realm inside my soul. So, I'm just a physical representation of my conscious while in here. All of you are a small portion of your souls that will be reunited with the rest of yourself once you leave this place."

"hEy, SiLvEr, WhErE iS tHe ReSeT bUtToNs oR aRe ThEy JuSt SoMe SoRt oF dUmB MeTaPhOr?"

I roll my eyes at Error's remark and sign in response, "No, it's not a metaphor I just figured that you should be allowed to let all of this sink in before I summoned it."

Neko twitches his tail, "It's sunk in plenty, come on show us already please,  Mouse."

I chuckle a little and then I snap. The sharp sound  echos loudly through out the area. In a bright flash of Silver two orange glowing buttons appear. They are exactly as I said expect one exception the button that is supposed to read load is blank. 

Sans stares at the buttons with a look of confusion, "Hey, Kiddo, I think one of your buttons are broken."

I shake my head no, "It's not broken."

Dancer stuffs his hands in his pockets, "You could've fooled me. If the button isn't broken why is it blank?"

I sign, "They are not broken I just haven't saved since falling in the underground I think the fall changed my restart position. Since the button is blank I guess if I where to die I don't have one of my options."  I smirk, "It doesn't matter I won't be allowed to use either of them if I had it anyway."

G mutters under his breath, "No."

I tilt my head and sign, "What did you say?"

G's face hardens into a stern expression and his eye glows orange, "I've spent 10 years in the void. I wouldn't wish that upon anyone not even that demon child, Chara. I won't let that happen to you."

Mafia winks at me, "I have always wanted to how a human saves."

I raise my brow and sign, "So? Ask little pup she would would be happy to show you."

He tilts his hat with a grin, "I have no clue how you know about my human's nickname but your wrong on the her being happy to show me."

Asylum bounces up and down, "Humans don't like monsters seeing them save but, I still really want to see."

Silver Soul (Aus Sans x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now