A New Toy

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I must of been in in the bathroom for too long because I hear a knock on the door a voice following. "Kid... you alright in there?" I'm anything but truly alright, but my heart is still beating and I can't show weakness to the skeleton. I try to gather myself before I push open the door and I walk out. But I doesn't go that smoothly considering I walk into Sans. I could play off my surprise as fear. I quickly I decide to be afraid that "fire man" would be mad that I broke a cup. So I walk up to Sans, grab his jacket, and bury my face in his jacket. I make my body tremble a little to make it seem more convincing. "Hey, it's ok kiddo."He bends down and picks me up. I hug Sans around the neck and make sure to keep out the trembling. "Can you tell what's wrong?" I bury my head in his shoulder and shake my head. Sans lets out a sigh "Come one your killing me here kid." I slowly lift my head making sure that my eyes water a little. "I'm s-scared that the fire man will be mad at me." I'm sorry Sans but for now please continue thinking me a kid.

Sans carries me back to back to the table but instead of putting me back on my stool he sits down with me on his lap. Grills came over and set down a burger down in front of me. I catch the man's sleeve "Thank you sir and sorry about breaking the cup." Grillby gives my hand a little pat as if to say I'm forgiven. I can feel myself smiling, but to cover it it up I start eating my burger and fries. Every so often Sans steals one of my fries or takes a swig of ketchup. When it was time to go I hop off Sans's lap. Before we leave Sans turns to Grillby and says, "Grillyby just put it on my tab." The people still at the bar burst out laughing, probably because because they saw it coming. "I take it you don't have a place to stay while your here, so you can stay with me and my brother." Well I guess I don't have to worry a roof over my head.

    When we walk outside I notice it started snowing while we where inside. Looking up I can tell this place has a ceiling and it seems like the crystals on the ceiling are glowing. That is probably their light source. After walking with Sans for a little while my foot got caught on something causing me to stumble. I don't fall this time but I due look for something sticking out of the ground. Turning a catch a glint of silver sticking out of the snow. Upon closer Expection there was a metal canine head but I can't exactly make out what kind. When I pick it up it easily slides out of the snow. Holding it in my hand it seems to be pocket knife, I instantly close it due to Sans calling out to me. "Kiddo what do you got there?" I walk up to him with as little of the knife exposed my hand. I reach my hand out and Sans opens his. Then I slowly put the knife in his hand. I can't come off as a threat, especially when my "glitch" isn't working. He looks at the knife then says, "That a knife toy." After he hands it back to me. Why would he give the knife back to me? Thanks to his pun I know he knows it's a knife. "But seriously kid Silver keep that with you at all time. While most monsters are nice some might be a danger to you kid. Just be sure not to kill anyone or attack not out of self defense."

     I stand there in shock for a moment. Sans still seems to to be smile, well I guess he is always smiling, then he ruffles my hair. "Cat got your tongue?" Then he starts to walk off after he gets to be about ten feet ahead of me, Sans turns around and takes a drink of ketchup. "Kid you better ketchup or you might get left behind." I can fell a smile break out across my face. I put the knife in my jeans but because it stuck out so it was uncomfortable to walk. So I switch the the knife into my hoodie and make sure to keep my hand on it so I don't lose it. Then I run to catch up to Sans.

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