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Sans chuckles, "You are not really helping your case kiddo." I grin down at them, "I'm not trying to." I open the blade of the knife and examine the blade. The atmosphere thickens. Still grinning I look down at them, "Relax, I'm just checking the blade. If you don't like it you shouldn't of given my knife back." Before any of them could say anything I touch the blade to the tip of my right pointer finger. I bite my tounge to hold back my whimper as the blade unexpectedly cuts my finger.

The blade starts the glow so I quickly throw it in the opposite direction of the boys. I jump down from my branch. Ignoring the sharp pain I get from landing on my feet. I stand facing towards the knife. A large figure begins to emerge from the pocket knife. Quickly I change my posture to a fighting stance. As the figure begins to solidify I am surrounded in the Sans(s) aura and get lifted into the air. They place me behind them and the figure fully appears.

"What do you think you are doing! That monster could be dangerous!" I look between Sans and Fell to see the monster. Standing there is a large, white blue fox with blue flames around its neck, paws, and a long tail made the blue flames. It is easily larger than all of us. The beast lets out a loud deep growl. Before speaking in a deep male voice, "Where is Neutral?" How does he know I'm here? I move over to ink and tug on his sleeve, "Ink, You need to get everyone out of here. Whatever thing is he clearly looking for me." Instead Fell answers for everyone,   "Sorry Pet, but we aren't leaving you here with that thing."

These fools are going to get themselves killed. Chances are I won't be able to get around them in order to confront that fox monster. So, what can I do? Got it. Quickly I run in the opposite direction and stop once I'm far enough that I'm sure the tall monster will be able to see me. I turn around to face the group before yelling, "Hey fire fox. Why are you wasting time with a bunch of skeletons? Neutral is standing right here." I point to myself. Horror growls, "What the fuck are you doing, Silver?" The fox's black eyes with blue pupils dart to look at me.

The fox starts running towards the boys. I see them brace themselves instead of preparing to dodge. It would make things much easier if they would've just left or at least get out of the way. Instead of attacking the boys he jumps over. He easily clears them and lands roughly five feet away from me. I'm weaponless and I don't know if I'll make it out of this one. I quietly growl then summon my silver soul. Once it settles around my neck I use check.

Name: Koro
Hp: infinite
Def: infinite
Atk: ???
Neutral's loyal companion and weapon.

I raise my brow at the fox who is wagging his tail like a happy canine, "Care to explain the meaning of this?" Then I call out to the skeletons, "You all can relax. He probably won't do anything that would be deserving of a bad time." Blueberry walks over to stand next to me without any hesitation, " MR. FOX, WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH HUMAN SILVER?" The rest of them wanders over. Once everyone is standing in ear shot Koro sits down, "I am Koro. It is my job to protect, fight along side of, and be Neutral's companion."

Mafia tilts his fedora before crossing his arms, "That's great and all but you didn't really answer my friends's question(s). So I'll ask you one. How did you get here?" Did he just call me a friend? After all this trouble he considers me a friend... Koro still wagging his tail reply's, "It was Silver's blood that summoned me here. The blood from the being known as Neutral freed me. Oh, that reminds me." Koro turns around and walks toward where I threw the knife. He picks it up before trotting back over to me. Koro drops the knife at my feet, "You need to take better care of this pocket knife. It is the only known way you can summon me if you need me."

Sans (original) bends down to pick up the weapon  before straightening. He holds the blade pointing the handle at me, "You get a better handle on this thing. It's very knife of you to keep making me pick this up." I smile at him before reaching for the knife. I carefully slide the knife out of his hand so I don't cut him,"You are right that wasn't very nice of me. I'm sorry, I'll keep a better grip on it from now on." Koro seems quite happy that I said that I'll keep the pocket knife with me.

Hound's Note:
Hiya everyone long time no update.  As this chapter proves this story is still being updated. Yeah, if people actually read this story I'll do my best to update more often. But if people don't I'll continue to update at a slow rate. So let me know by leaving a vote and/or comment.

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