Lets Play

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I skeleton wearing a black jacket with white fur on lining the rim of the hood, basketball shorts that look the same as Sans, black tennis shoes, black eye sockets with white pin pricks for eyes, and a large jagged hole in on the left side of his head steps forward and talks,"The name is Horror and I'll be your first challenger. The challenge is simple all you have to do is not show fear for the ten minute challenge period." Seriously is that all? This first challenge will be to easy.

"Do you want a hot dog Doll?", Horror asks me and points over his shoulder at a small (food) stand. I nod my hand yes and follow him to the stand. He stands behind the counter and prepares a hot dog. What is the catch? There is always a catch with people like him. Before he can get any further I get his attention and sign,"How much is the price for the hot dog?" He watches me sign and without missing a beat says,"Don't worry about it."

He hands me the hot dog and just as I take it he grabs me hand,"The price for the hot dog is a finger." I let out a sigh as he raises a small bloody axe above his head. Like I said there is always a catch. He swings the knife down and severs a finger with a crazed grin on his face. I lift up my hand still holding the hot dog and take a bite just as the timer goes off. I hold the hot dog in my mouth so I can use both hands to sign,"The hot dog isn't that bad but considering it is made out of human I don't think eating it is very good for me."

Horror just stands staring at my hands with his mouth hanging open in shock. While the others start laughing a lot. Horror asks me,"How? How do you still have all your fingers? I cut your finger off myself." I took the hot dog out of my mouth and set it back on the stand before signing,"You paid for me it was very nice of you. But I could have paid myself."I hold up my right hand and point two his right hand. He holds it and is surprised to be missing his pointer finger. He closes his mouth then opens it again to speak,"How did my finger get cut off without my knowledge?" I roll my eyes and explain,"When you grabbed my hand I grabbed one your fingers and held it hidden in my hand while you where distracted with getting a grip on my wrist. When you brought the axe down at the last second I flipped my hand so instead of cutting my finger off you cut yours off."

"So who is next?",I ask getting impatient with waiting for the next person to stand forward. Asylum jumps up and down full of excited energy,"My turn, my turn. I want to go. My challenge is... I forgot so we are going to play the quite game for five minutes." Seriously the quite game I haven't said a single word the whole time. I nod my head and look at the other skeletons and shrug. The timer starts and Asylum begins to whistle so I win the challenge.

"HUMAN I THE GREAT BLUEBERRY WILL BE YOUR NEXT CHALLENGER. OUR CHALLENGE SHALL BE MAKING TO BEST BEST TACO." Thirty minutes later the round is over due to the fact the tacos I made were actually editable.

Fell steps up next,"Time for our rematch Pet." I drop from my feet in a kris cross position and begin to sign,"I am no ones pet. But lets begin this match anyway. We get five minutes for this battle." I summon my soul to hang around my neck and the choice boxes appear. Fight, Act, Item, and Mercy I choose Act and press check. Fell a short tempered skeleton who only has one HP. One Hp... Why the hell am I battling someone with one HP! I repeat the process and check all the skeleton's HP. One... All of them have one HP. I feel my soul pulse and watch as my Hp drops from 15 (full health) to 5. This isn't the first time my soul did something like this. Its dominant trait acts more like a curse. If someone activates my dominant trait Loyalty I have no choice but defend and protect. It rarely ends well for me.

    I can tell that the skeletons used check to see my HP also due to their shocked expressions. From watching my HP drop from 15 to 5  for what appears to be no apparent reason. Fell speaks up,"What happened to your HP, why did it drop for no reason?" I stare at him not wanting to answer him. If I tell them they might use it against me. When it becomes clear I'm not going to answer him Fell demands again,"Answer me pet."

I let out a sigh then I begin to sign,"None of you won the right to ask any questions but since I feel bad for excepting Aslyum's challenge I'll answer this one question for free. My HP dropped because of my dominant soul trait." A confused look crosses over his face. "What is your dominant soul trait?" I glare at him and sign,"You already asked your one question and you don't get to ask a second one."

Hound's Note:
     What does Silver mean by saying "If someone activates her dominant trait loyalty it rarely ends well for me"? Could it have something to do with her scarred silver Soul? Well the skeletons ever find out why her soul is so scarred? Please continue reading to find out.  I hope you continue to enjoy the story and if you have any questions please ask them in the comments below.

Silver Soul (Aus Sans x Reader )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें