Chapter 59

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Kim Nam Joon's P.O.V.

(Few minutes ago)

When Hye Jin left....... I felt a little uneasy........ Something doesn't feel right........ I will go there later........

I looked at Tae Hyung........ I saw a tear falling from his eyes......... I sighed......
"Are you asleep?" I asked.....

He shook his head.......
"I wish I was........ But I kept thinking the same thing......." He said sadly as he sat up.......

"You alright?" I asked.....

He shook his head....
"How can I? She's so cold........ Cold like winter......" He said sadly......

"You guys are already over........... Of course she will get cold........." I said.......

He was right...... I think Hye Jin just wanted to settle things now......... She is distancing herself from him......

"I'm not here to insult you...... But....... Your really stupid....... Why did you leave her?" I said.......

He sighed.....
"Your right............ But what can I do? It's getting complicated day by day........." He said as he putted he's hands on his face.......

I understand but....... Why did he left her? Hye Jin was ready to fight with him........ But....... Why leave her?

Suddenly the eunuch came back and was panting hard.........

"What's going on?" I asked........

"I apologize for straightly coming in, Your Majesty...... But...... It's urgent!" He said panting hard.........

Tae Hyung signalled him to keep going........

What's going on?

"Highest Court Lady Choi.........." He said and we putted all our attention to him......

"What? What happen to her?" Tae Hyung asked worriedly.......

"Is gone......." He said that made us shock.........

"What do you mean gone?" I asked.....

"She disappeared......" He said......

I ordered him to keep going.......
"After I helped her carrying the tray....... I quickly left....... But..... While walking away.......... I heard a noise so I ran back........ When I entered she was gone......... The room was a mess......." He explained that made us shock.......

We quickly stood up...........

This is bad.........

Then we went outside........... We were about to go to the soldiers qurters....... But we saw Seok Jin and Jung Kook coming towards us.......

Right..... They will be visiting her........

"Where is Min Oh? Is Min Oh in her room?" Seok Jin quickly asked worriedly.......

"That's what we don't know........." I said.....

"What do you mean?" Seok Jin asked.....

"Min Oh disappeared........" I said that shocked me......

"What?! When?!" Seok Jin asked surprised.....

"Just now...... Someone took her......" I said.....

"That jerk!" Seok Jin shouted.....

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