Chapter 22

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Lee Hye Jin's P.O.V.

I was finding a way to get out....

I opened slightly the door....

I saw guards everywhere.....

Come on, Hye Jin....


I looked at the other side of my room and I found a window....

I opened the window slowly and I saw no one....

I was about to jump down... The distance wasn't that high so I can easily jump..

But I saw Tae Hyung......

He didn't saw me or noticed me so I went back in my room..

I close the window a little bit...

I want to talk to him too....

I want to say sorry..

I want to hug him...

Kiss him....

Then I saw.... Jennie..

What's going on?!

Why are they together??

Oh no....

No.... It can't be...

He loves me.....

"When are you going to tell her?" Jennie said impatiently.


"Later... I'll handle it.." Tae Hyung said and held her face


Kissed her....

It was a nightmare to see....


Why does it have to be this way?!


My heart is broken to pieces....

I felt tears on my cheeks....

I sat down to the floor and covered my mouth and cried.....

It hurts...

He already loved someone else....

Time passed by and they were gone...

I stood up and wiped my tears on my cheeks...

I went to get some water to wash my face...


I looked at my reflection...

I'm really wasted.....

I looked useless..

I looked unloved...

I looked...


Yeah.... Jennie is a princess after all....



For now is a low class court lady...

What's my match on her?

I shook it off...

There's no time for this..

I have to get out...

I was about to jump but someone knocked.

It was Tae Hyung.....

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