Chapter 8

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Lee Hey Jin's P.O.V.



It's really him!

Oh no..... Oh no.... alright...... alright.... Calm down..... Just go and put these....... Then pour some tea... Alright........

I took a deep breath and bowed at them... I got closer to their table and placed the food.....

"So...... Are you not going to do something to the FIRST KINGDOM, Minister Kang? After the chaos your kingdom have brought to them?" Mister said....... I mean the Prince!

"We are planning to give some donation." The old man said, I assume it's the Minister.

"They said everything is under control now.... and oh.... I forgot to tell..... One of the FIRST KINGDOMS' Minister will come......" The prince said.....

I was surprised but I didn't let them see. I was a little mad to the THIRD KINGDOM.

I don't need there filthy money.... I want my people lives back!

After I finished pouring some tea I quickly left the room. I went to the park.

Who is going?

"Your Highness....... It's me...." a familiar voice said.

"Seok Jin! Why didn't you tell me that you will come here...." I said.

"My apologies, Your Highness.... but it was sudden....." He said and I just nod.

"Yes, I know..... You were just here a few hours ago.... You better go now.... I'll talk to you later..." I said.....

He nodded and walked away.

Then... someone hugged me from behind.

"I missed you!" Jung Kook said.

"Jung Kook.... We just met each other a few hours ago.... " I said as I turned around and hugged him back.

"Follow me." He said.. He took my hand and went to the forest.

"So how are you doing here?" He said.

"I'm doing fine..... How about you guys? How's the people of the kingdom?" I asked.

"It's alright now..." He smiled.

"Alright." I smiled in relief.

"So who was the man that saved you? Seok Jin hyung (big brother) told me the story how you got here...... But they didn't tell who saved you that night...." He said.

"Who told Seok Jin the story?" I asked.....

"Ho Seok hyung (big brother)." He said. I'm surprised they know each other.

"Oh.... Don't panic, alright?" I said as he nodded.

I took a deep breath and told him......

"The Prince.." I said.

He just looked at me.... for the whole minute.

"That's a surprise.... Well....... The important thing is your alright..... " He said and I just nod.

"When we are almost at the kingdom. The messenger told us to come back here for the meeting..." He said.

"I see... It must have been tiring....." I said.

We just talk and talk and talk....

Kim Nam Joon's P. O. V.

Hmmm... This is longer than I expected.... Well... We have no choice.... and besides....  We have a bone to pick in the THIRD KINGDOM.... Our connection for the FIRST KINGDOM is gone...... Even if they send Minister Kang here.... We have no choice but to keep peace for the three kingdom..... Or else...... It will be in chaos.....

I'll put some little information about Minister Kang. A Minister known for his kindness. People also say he has a golden heart. Even though his a Minister in the THIRD KINGDOM....

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