Chapter 47

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Lee Hye Jin's P.O.V.

I was at my bed, laying down and couldn't fall asleep.....

It was already dawn.... And I'm here staring at the ceiling crying......

I couldn't sleep because of what happened......

I sighed as I stood up..... Then I saw a box at the top of a cabinet....

I took it and opened it...... I then saw some letters....

The letter of Seok Jin and Jung Kook....

The letter of Lady Jung.....

And the letter.....


Mother and Father.....

I then remembered when the kingdom got attacked....

I took my parents letter and read it again....

I saw tears falling on the letter......

Why did it became like this???

Father...... Mother.....

I'm sorry........

I didn't listened to you.....

I didn't hid myself properly..... And now, Minister Kang already knows who I am.....

I got more near at my enemy.....



Want to stay with....

The person I love so much...

My thoughts got cut off when someone knocked on the door.....

I quickly wiped my tears and went to see who was it.....

When I opened the door..

It was Nam Joon.....

"Hey.... I'm sorry to disturb your sleep but I want to talk to you...." He said.

I shook my head...
"It's alright..... I was awake the whole time.... Come in..." I said.

When he entered, I cleaned my table and returned the letters inside the box...

"Sorry...... It's a little messy here..... I still haven't finished cleaning.... " I said as we sat down.....

"No..... It's alright.... When you got unconscious..... Tae Hyung didn't let anybody enter your room.... So it's understandable....." He said.

My heart was like pinched when I heard his name....

I sighed.
"What do you want to talk about?" I said.

"We will leave the village again...... And..... We will be away for a while..... Because of Jennie's sickness..... Minister Kang and Tae Hyung's cousin will come here this afternoon..... Tae Hyung's parents will also come..... Perhaps tomorrow..... We will go to the THIRD KINGDOM...... " He said..

I nodded.
"While we are away.... Tae Hyung's cousin will stay here for a while and.... A general soldier from the THIRD KINGDOM will come here and he will be incharge...." He continued...

I got a uneasy feeling about what he said.
"Can't you just stay here?" I asked...

"Even if I wanted too..... I can't...... And I'm saying this now..... Hye Jin..... Be careful from that man..... We can't say he's a good man .... We can't trust them...... And.... Tae Hyung's cousin is younger than Tae Hyung.... He's Byun Beak Hyun......" Nam Joon said.....

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