Chapter 46

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Lee Hye Jin's P.O.V.

My heart sank when I heard his answer.....

I looked at him crying..... He was looking at me too....

I smiled weakly to him while crying....
"Thank you..... For an honest answer....... I wish you both happiness..... Don't make her feel what I felt Tae Hyung....... Because...... She loves you too.. Take care of her.... And.... Give her the love that she deserves....... " I said crying....

Even if it hurts..... I have to accept it.... Even if it means......

This will be the end of us.....

I want to tell you who I am.....

What I am.....

What I was hiding......


I can't......

This is what he chose......

I then turned around and left him there......

I went to the pond...... And sat on a big rock.....

I looked at my reflection.....

I looked at myself crying.....

I pity myself......

As I said.... I'm ready to accept the truth ......

And the truth hurts......

I was so stupid of hoping.....

He already told me this.... But I didn't believed it....

I then closed my eyes and let my tears fall......

I wish you the best Tae Hyung.....

Jennie..... Take good care of Tae Hyung......

For me.....

I guess......

This is the end of us......

Tae Hyung.....

I'm ready to let you go.....

(Sayonara no
Mae ni let go
De mo kokoro no meiro
No naka de mayou

I gotta let you know
That I need to let you go
Hard to say goodbye
De mo nigenai
I’m ready to let go)

(Before we say goodbye, let go
But I’m lost in the maze of my heart
From stereo to mono
That’s how the path splits

In order to release your hand right now
I gotta let you know that I need to let you go
Hard to say goodbye
But I can’t run
I’m ready to let go)


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