Chapter 9

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Kim Tae Hyung's P.O.V.

(Before the meeting)

Ah! It's so good to be back home.... I always wanted to see the girl I saved... Nam Joon and Ho Seok always tell me many things about her..... And they said she totally fits my type.... Let's just see...

I told the eunuch to let the ministers wait in the meeting room... I will just walk around..... While I was walking....... I a familiar girl that I have seen before talking to Nam Joon.......

Is she... The one that Nam Joon was talking about? No doubt.... She is beautiful... Let's hear there conversation....

"Oh........ Good evening Nam Joon..... " She said with a bow.... She sure is respectful...

"Good evening too, Min Oh..... You don't have to bow....... Just be casual when talking to me....." Nam Joon said.

"But-" She said.

I'm impressed some girls just took this kind of advantages but her...... She's really different....

"It's alright...... Now where are you going?" Nam Joon said.

"I'm goin to the library the highest court lady wants to get a book there.." She said.

"Ah... I see.... I better get going now...." Nam Joon said.

When Nam Joon left.. She bowed... wow...... She really didn't want to be casual to him....

I watched her go inside the library...

I want to talk to her....

Should I talk to her?

Let's just do it....

I took a deep breath and entered..... I followed where she was going... When she finally saw what she was looking.....

I almost laugh because she can't reach it.... She's so adorable.....

I cleared my throat to gt her attention........

She seemed to notice me....

"O-oh.... I'm sorry, Mister.... Are going to get something? I must be blocking you..." She said.

I wanted to laugh when she called mister but I hold it in.... She is kind like Nam Joon told me.

"No, you must be trying hard to reach something so I come to help you." I said.

I think she was speechless..... She's so cute....

"I......... No...... It's alright, mister....... I can get it myself....... " She said.

I'm surprised. How can she reach it without my help?

"You sure? What are going to get anyway?" I asked.

"That purple book. The highest court lady told me to get it." She said.

Ah.... My book....

"You sure you can reach it?" I asked. She nodded.

"How?" I said.

"There's a small chair there I can just stand on it." She said.

I'm really impressed.... She really look for something to make her get the book.... well..... She didn't know me so..... I bet she wouldn't do what other girls do.... She's smart....

"Oh....... How smart...... I'm impressed....." I said.

Let's question her some things.

"You must be new here...... I haven't seen you here since I left....... " I said.

"Yes.... I just got here a few weeks ago..." She said.......


"What's your name?" I asked....

I remembered what Nam Joon said.. I think it was, Min Oh?

"I'm Choi Min Oh... but please just call me Min Oh..... I came from the FIRST KINGDOM." She said....

Well.... She really is the one Nam Joon and Ho Seok was talking about....

"So your the girl the village have been talking about........" I said...

Yes..... She was quite the talk of the town when I brought her here...

"I am?" She said.

"Yes........ I presume you know the reason why...... " I said.

"I think it's because the Prince rescued me... I'm really thankful for that.. Because if he didn't find me I must be dead now......" She said.....

The things she said made me feel warm..... She really is different from the other girls.... I can't help but to smile..... She is smart...

"I see...." I said as I reaches my book and gave it to her. She sure was shocked.

"You didn't have to...... " She said shocked

"No... I'm a man... I need to help a woman.." I said then she got embarrassed.....

Her face....

Just attracts me everytime I see her....

Gosh... Why is my heart beating so fast?

"Th-thank you, mister....... But....... What's your name, mister?" She said.......

It always makes me smile when he calls me Mister.....

"You'll know soon....... I better get going now...... " I said....

I'll talk to you more later....

"Thank you very much, mister!" She said and bowed.

It made me smile...

When I got out.. I felt alive..... I want to talk to her more....

I want to see her more.....

I want......

her more than ever.....

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