Tears rolled down my face feeling confused at what's happening.

"You're awake" My dads voice came straight infront of me.

I snap my eyes at him looking at him pleadingly. He stood infront of me with a cool attitude with his arms folded as he stare at his daughter with cold eyes.

"What are you doing dad?" My voice cracked.

"Tell me where have you been for the past few days?!" He roared.

I close my eyes flinching away at his angry voice. He stood infront of me lowering his head so he can stare right into my eyes.

"I know what you are" He whispered his eyes full of hatered."You're a vampire" He spat.

My heart drop, I can feel my hand sweat nervously. How did he know? The way he looked at is like I'm not his daughter. He looks at me with such hate that I couldn't stare back at him.

"Tell me! He shout loudly. "Tell me you're a vampire!"

"I...um yes, they turned me-

"Who are they?" He stood up pacing back and forward.

My mind became numb, my mouth felt sealed shut. For some reason I didn't want my dad to know. He stopped pacing and cocked his head.

"Aren't you going to ask? How I knew?" He press his lips together.

He slowly dragged a wooden chair infront of me sitting on it. He fold his legs staring intensely at me.

"Do you know what the Volkov family business is?" He pause, "Your mother does it, her family does it, your grandparents and their parents and their parents have been in the family business. And I thought my own flesh and blood is going to continue it but something bad happened. Something that can ruin everything that our family built." He lean forward seeing my confused face. "We are hunters."

I swallowed loudly not sure what that means. He rub his face I can see he is trying to keep his anger in check.

"We are hunters of vampires Jessy! We hunt what you are." He said full of hate.

The new infromation came down on my like a ton of bricks. My parents hunters? It's like a whole new world no one knows nothing about. Hunters, vampires? This just doesn't happen in the real world.

I grew up believing my parents are business man and women who ships special products a big comapany buyer. Everything I believed in was a lie. My parents hunt vampires for a living, they kill.

My eyes wide staring at my dad seeing a whole new different person infront of me.

"I..I didn't want to be like this" My voice trembled. "Please believe me dad" I sniff tugging on the chains.

"But you are the enemy now and I'm sorry I can't let that go" I saw a glint of pain in his eyes as he stare down at me. The way he looks at me scares me.

"Dad...I won't harm anyone I promise. I can control-

"That's what they all say until the blood their body is begging to have will snap all your humanity and go on a killing rampage. I can't let that happen." He stood up and walk towards the corner of the room.

My heart pound at what he is saying, he's going to kill me? My own father?

"Please don't do this!" I begged. "I'm still your daughter!"

His body tense making him stop whatever he is doing. He slowly turn around and I saw anger in him. He held a bottle filleed with white liquid. He slowly walked towards me lowering his face to my eye level.

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