"Jessy?! Where the hell have you been? Have you planned what's going on in the halloween dance on friday?!" Rosie appeared out of no where hitting me with a strong intoxicating perfume making me cough.

I felt light headed from the rush of her scent hitting my nose, I wrinkle my nose trying not to look disgusted. Rosie twirl her blonde hair around her fingers as she chew loudly on her gum. You see Rosie is one of those air headed girls who believes partying every time is cool that's why she joined in the committee for planning school events. I have no idea someone as clueless as her gets in.

"What are you talking about? I have one more week to plan it" I look at her weirdly.

"Um no babe it's this week, you've been gone for a week now." She look around her surroundings.

My eyes bluge out of my socket. One week? My mind race trying to make sense of what she said. I wasn't gone for a week! I remember it being Thursday, I was on the way home just finish talking to Oscar then I fell asleep? My mind rang for any ideas remembering what else I was up to but nothing came in mind.

"Excuse me" She snap her fingers infront of my face.

I grab her wrist annoyed, she look at me shock I automatically drop her wrist not realizing how hard I was squeezing. She frown rubbing her wrist that's now going red.

"Sorry" I mumbled guiltly.

"Whatever. You have 4 days so figure it out fast!" She said with attitude making me flinch from her annoying voice.

As I walk through the hall I try count up the days and try to remember what I was doing then but nothing came into mind. Maybe I was asleep for that long? I mentally slap myself for being stupid. Damn you brain for forgetting too many things. I was about to face palm myself but something caught my attention. I turn around to find the guy before staring right at me and not even pretending he's not. Like any other person who gets caught staring our action automatically is to look away awkwardly.

I narrow my gaze suspisiously walking away quickly. Throughout the day my vision kept blurring up, my reflexes was going wild on its on. At one time Oscar decided to pull on of his pranks on me but right before he could act on it. I accidently punch him he still doesn't believe it was an accident. Staring at the pages infront became like a mission to even read a sentence without my eye sight blurring. My head became constantly pounding that I couldn't take it anymore.

Sitting in the quiet library planning and ordering what we need for friday. I calculated the prices keeping in the school budget. Quiet foot steps echoed in the empty library, the steps sounded like it's just a few meters away from me. I snap my eyes up staring at an empty dim library. My eyes widen slightly showing how creepy it was. I look down and wrote down a few things before I could pack up I smelt a familar scent in the air. It's a mixed between cigar and mint.

I stood up narrowing my eyes where I can smell the scent lingering strongly at. I never knew I have a strong sense of smelling. That's weird.

"Cohiba Cigar very fine choice" I smiled cornering the person I'm smelling.

Surprisingly I faced the new guy, Dominic. His eyebrows shot up imperssed that I know my cigars.

"You know your brand of cigar?" He smiled showing off his perfect white pearls.

I didn't know how I guessed that but I remember when I was 7 my dad and his old navy trops were in the front porch smoking cigar together. I surprised myself that I could even remember that, I usually have a bad memory. Heck, I don't even remember what I did these past few days but I remember what happened years ago.

"My dad smokes the same brand" I shrugged frowning at him confused.

During the day I remember him lingering around in the back looking intimidating to walk up to. Everyone had their eyes on him even the teachers. He just causually lean in the back where ever I look. He just have this bad ass vibe running through hius image. The way he look, the way he stands, the way he stares at you. You can tell he isn't no nobody.

"What are you doing?" My voice turned harsher then I expected.

"What do you mean?" He frown folding his arms.

My eyes narrow to only scan over his body. His shirt define the outline of his muscels, his dark hair styled into a messy carefree look. His hazel eyes trap me under his gaze.

"I mean I know for a fact you are not a student here nor a new student. So tell me what are you doing?" I was surprise at how confident I sounded.

A smirk tug on his lips, a twinkle of amusement hit his eyes. All my confident slip away when he took one step towards me. His intimidating posture made me uneasy.

"To be honest." He whispered, his breath made me shiver as it hit my face. "I wanted to see you" He showed me his charming smile.

"W...what?" I stutter like an idiot, staring at him like he's crazy.

"Don't you remember? We met a few days ago" A smile form his face.

I blink trying to scan my brain for any recongnision of him but nothing. I think I would remember someone who looks like that.

"No..I don't remember" I frown.

"Well that's okay," He shrugged. "To tell you the truth, the moment you looked at me I knew you wouldn't like me but some day I'll make sure you do" He whispered his hot breath making me shiver.

Before I could speak he walked away, he look over his shoulder and flash me that perfect smirk.

"I'll see you around Jessy"

The way his deep voice said my name made my heart pound against my chest. Oh man. Who is this Dominic guy?

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