His shoulders sagged in disappointment. "Well, I have math that period anyway. It's an easy subject."

"Brag," I mumbled under my breath. He smirked upon hearing his.

The bell rang and we all dispersed to our classes. My stomach dropped as I realized this was a class I had with Dylan.

Needless to say, it was weird not being with him right now. I kinda missed him crashing my vibe time in my car and walking with me to class. Sucks he had to go and be an asshole.

Dean sensed my struggle and enveloped his hand in mine. I ignored the butterflies I was feeling and gave him an appreciative smile. I soon realized that he had no idea where my class was, so I was the one guiding him.

Right away, I got glares from multiple girls. It was no secret that Dean was one of the most attractive guys at school, along with the jocks. However, he was different. He was considered to be more mysterious, so naturally more girls were attracted to him. Hell, that's kinda what drew me in too. But, along with keeping secrets, he was also impossible to get with. Unlike the athletic kids, he didn't sleep around much. He did go on a whole rampage when we weren't together, but that was mainly because I encouraged him to.

Stupid, I know.

But this unattainability is what challenged girls. They wanted to be the ones who broke his stone-cold heart. It hadn't been until late last year did I learned that he acted closed off with everyone but me and my friend group. No one knew him like I did, and that made me feel a little smug.

"What're you smiling about?" He playfully nudged me as we neared my class.

"Nothing," I grinned. He rolled his eyes but gave me a swift kiss on the cheek. Sure, it wasn't the lips, but it was better than nothing. "Thanks."

"See you at lunch?"

I nodded and watched him leave. I could see Dylan heading toward the class so I rushed in and took a seat at a desk that had no empty seats nearby. This way, he couldn't sit next to me and force conversation.

He scanned the room as he entered and narrowed his eyes when he caught wind of my plan. He had no choice but to sit in the back corner. Throughout the lesson, I could feel his gaze on me.

When the bell rang, I bolted out of the classroom. I heard him call my name but I made sure to push the aching feeling back.

I missed him.


Half the day ended quickly and it was now lunch. Emma and I lingered outside the cafeteria doors, waiting for our friends. We knew Dylan was already inside, probably kicking his teammates off the table right now.

Will and Jaz appeared first, followed by Andrew. Dean was right behind him and wrapped an arm around my waist as soon as I was in reach. I held back an eye roll and turned to face the group.

"We're going to go in there and sit at a different table, okay?"

They all nodded, except for Andrew, who gave us a sheepish look.

"Drew, it's okay. We understand. You have to sit with the team on gameday," I reassured him.

"Traitor," Jaz coughed, then innocently looked around like it wasn't her.

I rolled my eyes. "Ignore her."

"Already do," Drew grinned. He had this weird relationship with her. She'd be cynical and blunt, while he'd kill her with kindness and compliance. I know it secretly killed her inside when he didn't react the way she wanted. I guess his method was working.

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