I lean forward slowly so that he has an opportunity to stop me if he really wanted to, watching as he closes his eyes and his mouth parts softly. That's all the invitation I need, my own eyes sliding shut as I close the distance between us.

My mouth brushes his softly before I move in the rest of the way, sliding my fingers into his hair as my lips encompass his full upper one. I pull away after a couple of seconds just for him to lean forward and connect or mouths again, a breathy chuckle escaping me due to his eagerness.

I don't even think about using my tongue or taking the kiss a step further than what it currently is, just enjoying the way his mouth feels as it presses against mine. The car is quiet except for the sounds the parting of our lips make, soft little noises coming from the back of Jimin's throat every few seconds. The cute sounds are slowly driving me crazy, and I have the sneaking suspicion that I might grow addicted to his kisses if he keeps acting like this.

I can't help it anymore and my more sensual side breaks through, my mouth releasing his so that I can gently take his lower lip between my teeth and pull. His mouth parts and the moan that escapes has me pulling back quickly, heat traveling from my stomach down to my groin.

"Ok, that's enough of that" I say teasingly, my chest heaving as I pull away look in the rearview mirror to fix my smudged lipstick.

"W-what? Why?"

I look over at Jimin as he pants in the passenger seat, a dazed look on his face as he looks up at me. I can't help but chuckle at the sight of him with dark purple lipstick smudged all over his mouth, reaching over and wiping it away with the pad of my thumb.

"I assume you know all about my reputation" I say with a slight smile, continuing on when he nods.

"Then what do you think I'm thinking about doing right now, with a cutie like you in the front seat of my car practically begging me to kiss him?"

I bite my lip as I let my eyes scan him from head to toe, taking in his flushed cheeks and pink lips. They are slightly swollen now from our rather tame make-out session, his tongue coming out to moisten them. A look of understanding flashes across his face before he is a flustered mess again, the pink color on his cheeks deepening.

"What if....."

"Hm?" I prompt softly, still staring at his lips as I refrain from leaning in and kissing him again. He gulps and I look back into his eyes, finding them to be hardened with more determination than I have ever seen from him before. 

"What would you do to me if I kissed you again?"

My eyes widen in surprise at the question, Jimin's hands waving in front of him frantically as he speaks again.

"I-I mean, only hypothetically of c-course!"

"Of course" I say as a simper spreads across my face, taking pleasure in how uncomfortable he looks right now. I am about to answer his question in vivid detail when there is a knock on the passenger side window, both of us jumping in shock at the intrusion.

"T-Taehyung!" Jimin yells in shock before opening the door and clamoring out. I step out as well and cross my arms as I lean forward against my car, watching as the Jimin smiles up at the tall male.

"Where did you go during lunch?" said male asks with narrowed eyes, his suspicious gaze trained on me as I smirk at him over the top of my car.

"We went to get pizza" Jimin answers before holding up the take-out container. "You can have some if you'd like."

Taehyung doesn't even glance at the guy, his harsh glare still on me. My smirk widens and that seems to piss him off, him finally turning to look down at Jimin who is grinning up at him as if he is the greatest person on Earth. His gaze immediately zeros in on the purple lip print I had left when I had kissed Jimin beneath his ear at the restaurant, his lips turning into a sneer as he regards his friend angrily.

"What were the two of you doing before I came?" he inquires, it obvious that he must have realized that something had happened between us. Jimin seems to realize where his mind is going as well, him hurriedly shaking his head as I frown.

"Nothing" Jimin answers quickly, my eyebrows rising as I stare at him incredulously. "I-I wouldn't do anything like that with her, Tae."

So I took him out on a date, payed for his food, stood up for him and made his tormenters miserable, threw a hot guy's number away because he wanted me to, and made out with him in my car just for him to tell Taehyung that we were doing nothing? Wow. He must be more whipped for him than I thought.

I can't help but chuckle a little at my findings, not sure whether I should feel used or impressed. Men usually fall at my feet, however self centered that may sound. I have never been blown off as if I didn't matter before, so this is a new feeling for me. It's a good thing I am only interested in him and not hardcore crushing like some people would have been because if I was, I would have been devastated. As it is now, I got away with only having my ego damaged.

"Ouch" I pipe up, placing a hand over my heart as I pretend to be wounded. "Good job, hun. That one actually kind of hurt."

"N-noona, I--"

"It's ok cutie" I say with a roll of my eyes and a smile, opening my car door and preparing to leave. "I had a feeling something like this would happen."

Jimin's eyes widen as he glances at Taehyung before looking back over at me. It almost looks as if he wants to say something, but I know that he won't with Taehyung right there. I knew that this was too good to be true. I thought for sure that he was into me when he had kissed me, but it looks like I'll always be second best when it comes to Kim Taehyung. Whatever. At least he said yes to the date to begin with. That's all a girl like me should expect when it comes to guys like him.

I get in my car and close the door, trying to forget the smug look that had appeared on Taehyung's face after Jimin's answer. I want nothing more than to tell him what Jimin and I really did and rub it in his face, but I'll be the bigger person just this once. If he doesn't want Taehyung to know that he kissed the college slut, I'll respect his wishes. The two males step away from my car as I turn it on, Jimin's conflicted eyes still on me as I pull out of my parking space and start driving home. I feel kinda bad for leaving like that, but then again I don't. Oh well; he had his chance.

I press the call button on the side of the steering wheel and Cassi's number flashes across the smart screen, her picking up not long after.

"What's up? How'd your little date go?"

"It went well until Kim Taehyung came along and ruined it" I say with another roll of my eyes, Cassi groaning in aggravation on the other end.

"What's the plan then? Wanna go to a bar, get drunk, and hook up with a random stranger?"

I smirk as I pull off the freeway and start heading towards the apartment my parents bought me when I first started going to the university, already going over what I can wear in my mind.

"That's exactly what I was thinking."

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