Shaking my head, I turned around to leave when another person came rushing. He slipped on the spaghetti and fell, drenching himself with a cup of orange juice, which he held.

I couldn't help but laugh inwardly, that would have been me too.

Whenever the tingles come, it doesn't necessarily mean that the danger is for me, sometimes it's for people around me or people I know. But most times, it's a warning for me, which I try to avoid as much as possible. I call it my sixth sense.


Entering into my apartment. I was met with silence. It reminded me of my wish; to feel loved. I hated the silence, I hated being alone, but it seemed like that is all I will ever be: Alone.

I wished for a father, I heard that female kid are always closer to their dads. As a twenty-year-old, I should be over it, but as much as I try, I wasn't. I wanted a company. And am not talking about the normal friends I have, I mean a close relationship.

I had always been an, everyone's person, but never someone's person, meaning I am always a friend to the two or three best friends but never had a best friend, always had many friends but not that one friend to share secrets with.

I can't help it, I admire people with best friends. I fit in with every clique possible. The popular, cheerleaders, nerds, weirdos, even jocks, but never had that great connection with anyone, it's cool at times but also annoying.

But as frustrating as it is, it also gets me what I want; like right now, instead of taking a cab or driving myself to the party, I am in a car filled with four bitchy girls.

They aren't exactly my friends, and I don't like them. But since Clara, who behaves and controls the group like the head cheerleader, unfortunately, shares an apartment with me. Leaving the apartment and going to the same place in different cars was just a waste.

"Oh my God! Clara, can you believe it? Sam asked Chloe out on a date. That is just so wrong, like why would he do that. And what's worst is that she said yes, I can't believe it."Maddie screamed in my ear.

"What! That's bad, doesn't he have eyes? She is not qualified to date him," Kate said. Both of them squishing me in the seat.

"Yeah, I know right, why would he even think about dating someone like that," Maddie replied.

"How about because he likes her? And she is datable? Well, and she accepted it because she also liked him?" I replied, tired of hearing her squirrelly voice.

"Hey JJ, we don't need your sass right now, can't you see she is heartbroken," Clara said while I just rolled my eyes.

I jumped out of the car the moment we parked and raced to the party.

Just some few hours later, I was exhausted. Nope, not of dancing with friends, but of roaming around the party looking for fun. Well, My excitement evaporated the moment I entered the party. All my friends were occupied with boyfriends or girlfriends or best friends.

I wanted to go back. I have had a few boyfriends, but they didn't last, the longest relationship had been a month.

I sighed for the umpteenth time today, heading towards the door to leave.

I saw Jess at the far end and decided to go to her, but stopped when I noticed she was with a guy. Seeing how much she tried to flirt. I knew not to interrupt her affair. So I just headed to the door to go back to my apartment.

You know that moment when watching a horror movie and the protagonist is walking towards danger late at night and you keep shouting and telling them not to go? Well, that's how I felt walking on these silent roads alone. I was scared, alright, but I just wanted to go home and sleep.

As I neared the alley, the voice in my head warning me to go back to the party got stronger, but I brushed it off and continued on my journey.

That's when my sixth sense kicked in.

Oh no, not now, please.

I wanted to go home. But my whole fingers exploded with tingles. This wasn't good. I came to a stop in front of the alley. I had to turn back.

Then I heard a sound. I paused and heard it again. It sounded like someone crying. Rushing forward to check who was in danger. I saw two figures in black capes with the hood covering their faces.

I was shocked, I thought I heard someone crying, and that's when I saw a figure on the floor. It was a man surrounded by a pool of blood, I could see he had a broken nose, bloody eyes, and a broken jaw. Damn, he was badly injured.

Looking at his attackers I knew there and then that I was in trouble, because not only did they glare at me, but they were ladies with strange purple eyes,

No one needed to tell me more, as I turned around and ran back. Well, I tried to anyway because I didn't go far when I felt extreme pain at the back of my head. All I saw next was black.


Wow, I know what you're thinking but don't worry, it gets better I promise. Anyway, thanks for reading, and please comment on what you feel about this book, I will appreciate it.


Signing out

Psycho queen

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