Going back | Chapter 41

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Upon reaching her old home, she sighed in regret. Standing outside the big house made Chaeyoung feel some type of way.

Nostalgia. This house held so many good memories, and it was the place where she had the best time of her life. It was like a childhood home where someone grew up with all the fond memories of childhood.

It felt the same, just that... the memories were revolving around Lisa. She smiled, remembering the past. The past when Lisa and her were in love, the past when Lisa and her could talk normally, the past when... Lisa was not terminally ill.

Chaeyoung gave a grimace of pain when she saw the old lady living next to them. She had aged, but she still got excited at the sight of Chaeyoung.

The girl walked towards the neighbour and greeted her with a hug.

"Oh Chaeyoung! It's been so long since I've seen you, how's your trip to London?" Mrs Oh cooed.

Chaeyoung was initially puzzled by the lady's mention of her trip to London, which never happened. But she came to comprehend it. Lisa probably told her that she went on a trip instead of the break up.

Rosé smiled gently, "It was good. How are you Mrs Oh?"

The old lady smiled, "Same old me! Still alive and kicking!"

"That's good," Chaeyoung responded.

Mrs Oh nodded, "Where's Lisa? The house has been empty for a day now. I thought I should tell you."

The girl's heart cracked a little at the reminder; Lisa was in the hospital, battling for her life.

Chaeyoung swallowed the lump in her throat, trying to clear the fresh tears on her eye brims, "She... got into an accident..."

"Oh no!" the old lady exclaimed. "Is she okay?"

The Australian nodded, "She's okay. Now, if you don't mind me Mrs Oh, I'll go back and collect some things."

Chaeyoung dismissed the conversation after Mrs Oh left. She clasped the key in her tightly as she approached the door. She was anxious of course.

When she unlocked the door, she took a deep breath and looked around the house. Traces of Lisa's breakdown was left around the house, dirty clothes were left on the couch and there were wrappers left on the ground.

A pain took over Chaeyoung's heart. Lisa's attempt to keep this house clean and good was getting to her. She walked upstairs, stopping outside their shared bedroom.

The room looked the same; nothing has changed. Chaeyoung ran her fingertips across the clothes in the closet and realised that Lisa still kept some of her clothes inside.

She went into their work room, greeted by two boxes with the labels "Yours" and "Ours". Curiosity aroused in the girl and she picked the penknife up from Lisa's desk to cut the tape open from the box labeled "Yours".

When she opened the box, the first thing that caught her eye was her black sketchbook from high school; The one that started Chaeyoung and Lisa's relationship, the book that Chaeyoung could freely express her obsession.

I thought she would've thrown it away...

Chaeyoung shakily opened the book, and the first thing that met her eye was a beautifully drawn portrait of Lisa when she had straight blonde hair. Tears were on the verge of falling as she continued to look through the various pictures she had drawn.

Lisa with blonde hair, brown hair, black hair, blue hair, everything. She kept flipping the pages with tears falling uncontrollably from her eyes. Until she stopped.

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