Chapter 16 - The Dove's Rising

Start from the beginning

As the Morte Del Sole, I could not help but deliver a few more punches with my brass knuckles after knowing what they have done. I cannot believe that I have worked so hard for two years to get defeated by these bunch of nosey sissies.

Cody Castello padded out of the side gate, wearing a royal green robe. I licked my dry lips in anticipation, if this doesn't quench my anger, I don't know what will...

I watched from afar as Cody Castello trudged to the delivered food placed near the main gates of the Castello family mansion. It took him a while since the sky was still dark but he soon caught the sight of his unconscious men tied to the mansion gate. He pressed a hand over his nose, cowering away from his men. It was a laughable sight as I imagined how bad the stench of rotten pig blood must be from where he was standing, if I could smell it all the way here. Pig blood covered the body of his men and each man had a word painted on his face.

MDS. Says. Hello.

The last man had his mouth painted in pig blood, a wide red smile stretching from cheek to cheek.

A wicked grin flashed on my face as he backed up into a bucket of red paint, inducing a scream from him when the red paint spewed all over him.

Best sleep I have ever gotten since I saw MJ and Emily in the mortuary.

The staff in the Castello family mansion helped sped up the spread of the the prank, which I released into the Hollow through my own connections. The prank became even hotter news than the rumours and gossips about the Mietitores and MDS.

If Cody thought I would squirm and hide under a rock after he talks shit about me, he needs to get a new brain.

To save our reputation, we made a deal with Cody Castello to hide his dirty doings, including the Mietitore hacking incident in exchange for his efforts to stop these nasty rumours.

Initially, he was resistant when Julian and I approached him, still pissed off from my nasty prank. He even rejected seeing Julian and I, to which we both snorted.

Well, he gave in after we delivered a thick envelope to his family mansion, containing all the dirty crimes he have committed. It was effortless against his timid personality. 

I shoved the blood-red bucket hat onto The Oracle's head just as Cody Castello arrived at The White Coffin with an entourage of men. They were all men from the Tentacles except for the female captain beside Cody - Captain Miranda. If someone who did not know better past by, they would think that the Castellos looked like they came for a fight. In contrast, the Mietitores only sent two unarmed people to welcome the Castellos.

The royal green three piece suit fitted tightly on Cody's body, completed with a pair of polished black oxfords. His medium length hair was combed into three braided sections and tied into a man bun, revealing his sharp jawlines. His golden grills were removed, bringing back world peace.

Overall, party boy cleaned up well.

Throwing the Castello's second-in-line a knowing smile, I greeted the mafia prince. He gulped before forcing on an indifferent expression, remembering his men.

"Welcome to The White Coffin, the Mietiores says hello. May I lead the way for you, Sir Cody?" I paused, looking at Cody for a reply.

"You may," Cody permitted without looking at my direction, fist clenching. I smirked at the fidegty boy before making my way to the dining hall. The pleasure I get from Cody's reaction temporarily beats my nervousness at the thought of getting lost in this mansion. 

Usually, the greetings was done by an official member of the family. However, Angelo sent me knowing that Cody would be more compliant when he sees me. I tried to see if Julian was around but he was long gone after exchanging greetings with the Castello captains.

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