An hour later, a doctor came from the theatre. At his sight, I hauled towards him.

"Doctor, how's he?"

He gave me a weak smile and told me to follow him to the office. I glanced at Jane who gave me anything but an encouraging smile. She was trying to be strong for me but I didn't blame her if she couldn't.

"Doctor how's he now?" I choked on tears as I refused to sit down when he asked me to.

"He's stable. Though after the surgery, he's still comatose."

"Was the injury severe?"

"Yes, internal bleeding. Had to perform the surgery to stop it. A few broken bones. But I can't say anything for now Mrs North. I'm really sorry. Right now we have to keep our fingers crossed. If he comes out of the coma, that will be an indication of little hope."

With nothing to say and no emotion to express, I left the office. Jane was standing by the door.

"What did he say?"

"He's comatose." My voice broke just saying that. Grief over took my instincts and splashed over me.

"He'll come through Jane. Jay is a strong kid. He'll sail through this."

"Can you tell Papa? I need to go to the chapel for a few minutes." I had to send her. I would break down before I told Papa. After I had told him, he'd also break down. And I didn't have the stamina to be the strong one.

I pushed the chapel door quietly behind me. Relieved it was empty. I took silent steps and fell at the feet of the altar. There was a statue of Jesus and I decided to pray.  Everytime I opened my mouth, nothing spluttered out. I just hoped and believed he could sense my pain through my tears. In my heart.

I came out of the room. A lot more fuller than when I entered in empty. I saw Amber crossing the hallway but halted when she saw me. Her gaze announced she had been searching for me.

"Mia, hey. The man wants to see you now."

I shot her an angry look. I was wigging out about Jay's comatose and the man who ushered him into that state wanted to see me.

"Mia, Alaric's here." Jane came from no where, surprise scribbling on her face.

"Yes. That's him. You know him? He brought in Jay. He was the one who knocked him down." Amber said. Jane jawdropped. My skin bunched around my eyes.

This better be a mistake. "Where's he?"

"Down at the main hall." Amber answered and skipped past her.

As soon as I saw him, my fist clenched and my teeth seethed. He was pacing up and down. With every passing second, he would ran his hands through his hair. He was frustrated, he made it obvious but what I felt was far from his.

I paved my way until I was right in front of him. The way he stared back at me was priceless. If this had been a different place, a different occasion, I would have laughed at his face.

"You! You ran into Jay." I breathed out and before I could stop myself, my palm was simmering heat after I connected it to his cheek. His skin glowed visibly red from the imprints of my palm. I'd never hit anyone in my life. I always believed I was a pro at controlling my temper. But since it was Alaric, he only brought the worst in me.

A gasp escaped from the crowd but I didn't pay heed to them. He deserved this chagrin.

A tall built man came from behind and at first glance, I discovered it was one of his minions ready to pounce on me. Alaric held up his hands, one that made him pause.

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