Chapter 25 - "When life takes a new turn..."

Start from the beginning

Cabir: (Sighed) "Then what should I do?... Tell me."

Aliya: (Enthusiastically) "Fight for your love as Arya Bhai said and I will tell you how. First of all, find out the actual truth. If it's necessary, stalk her and find out who is that Sardar and whether she actually has any love relationship with him or not. Only after that, we can think further."

For a while, Cabir kept on looking at his sister with wide eyes.

Cabir: (In surprised voice) " are talking like a pro...have you ever stalked anyone so desperately?...tell me...tell me..."

He tickled her lightly and Aliya giggled while trying to dodge his reach.

Aliya:( Whined) " it's the time to act as our plan...meanwhile, I will talk to Dhruv, if he can say something about...."

She suddenly held her tongue as unmindfully she mentioned Dhruv's name. She turned her face biting the tongue but the damage was already done.

Cabir: (In a suspicious tone) "Dhruv?... When did you be so close to him that you can talk to him about this sensitive issue? there anything which I didn't know until now? Aloo..."

Having no other option Aliya sprung up from the bed and headed to the door.

Aliya: (Cried) " Bhai...I am getting late...I will be back soon and meanwhile be ready to drop me in the college...In return, I will tell you everything but on the hurry up."

She disappeared like lighting leaving behind a bewildered but smiling Cabir.


Nandini's school: Corridor: 3:20 pm:

Nandini was passing by the corridor, approaching the staffroom. She just finished her class. There was one more class she has to take and after that, the drama rehearsal will start. Nandini huffed and strode to pass the corridor when a call made her decrease the speed. She scrunched her brows in annoyance.

Aryamaan: "Nandini...wait..."

Nandini bit her lips. Today she was determined to clear all things to Aryamaan. Before this matter goes any further she will admit that she is seeing someone. She couldn't reveal that she is married to Manik but she could reveal at least that much. Nandini made her mind and turned to face Aryamaan.

Aryamaan: (Took a deep breath) "Are you free now...can we sit at the canteen and talk. It's a bit serious."

Aryamaan's expression was grave. Nandini glanced at her wristwatch and calculated that there are 15 to 20 minutes left until the next class starts. She nodded and both walked to the canteen. The canteen was pretty much empty because of the second half of the school. They occupied a corner table and ordered two cups of coffee. Aryamaan was looking here and there perhaps he was seeking some appropriate words or a comfortable base to start the conversation while the condition of Nandini was not very different. She was pretty much sure about the topic still couldn't raise it before any revelation from the opposite side. After some awkward silent moments, and stupid smile exchange Nandini took a deep breath and made her mind come to the point. She was about to part her lips when Aryamaan said,

Aryamaan: (In a hesitant tone) "Ummm...Nandini...I want to say... on behalf of my best friend Cabir...that...that he really likes your friend...Navya. Can you...I it possible to bring them together? I know I am sounding a bit awkward but...I know Cabir. He will never come forward to say this to Navya. In fact, until now they only met twice and both the time ended with a stupid brawl. In this situation, he couldn't find out any way to approach her. Neither he knows what she thinks about him. That's why I think...."

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