"I see. What's your name" I plainly questioned.

"I am Camille Hawkes" the woman responds.

I think I've heard that name somewhere.. She looks somewhat different.

"Well this is very interesting." I mused.

"What do you mean sir?" Camille asks.

Does she not recognize me? 

"I believe we met once" I said then she turned around.

"Oh. I remember you" she exclaims.

I curtly nodded.

"You're the guy who looked after Xander" she continues.

Does she not realize who she is speaking to?

"Correct." I sharply said. Then we hit floor 90.

I was confused as to why the woman was still in the elevator.

Perhaps she forgot the number.

"Mr. Brenton's office is on floor 86. You missed it" I coldly said.

"Mr. Brenton had documents he wanted me to bring to Mr. Smith" she begins.

I held in a smirk.

This girl seems very ignorant.

I guess I'll have some fun.

"It's quite the documents. I'm sure Mr. Smith would appreciate it" I said keeping a poker face.

"I really hope so, I stayed up to organize all of them" she said.

I see.

So she's a hardworking type. 

However another employee of mine spoiled my fun.

"Mr. Smith you've got a client  waiting for you." Joseph's assistant says.

I scowled.

"Is it Mr. Murison again." I adjusted my cuff.

"No sir, it's another person." Joseph's assistant replies.

Then who the heck could be in my office.

I saw Camille quickly recovered from the surprise.

"Jeanette, take Miss Hawkes to the lounge" I ordered.

"Yes Sir" she says and bows then takes Camille but she was still sort of stunned.

As I opened the door to my office my face went hard.

It was Mr. Murison.

Damn Jeanette.

I'll have her fired for informing me on false news.

"Murison" I said coldly. "Mr. Smith, I would like to compile a new contract" he says.

He's been nagging about that for the past 5 months.

"Mursion as before my answer is no. I cannot breach our contract till the product airs." I said.

"Mr. Smith I understand, but this time I want a individual contract I want to launch my product and give you credit-" Before he could finish I interrupted him.

"Why the hell should I do that? I will not be playing your games." I callously said.

"But sir-" I shut him up.

"Get out" I uncaringly said. Which he did.

I opened my office door.

"Jeanette." I stood at the threshold of the lounge.

"Chairman" Jeanette stands up.

"You informed me that Mr. Murison won't show up." I icily said.

I saw Camille swallow.

"Sir, I was told under Joseph not to tell you" Jeanette says.

I clenched my fist.

"Jeanette, by now are you aware of your position" I haughtily asked.

I walked to the window.

"Chairman I only followed orders." she says.

"You should know I don't like being lied to." I faced her.

She was fidgeting a lot.

"My daughter is only 8 she knows that lying is bad." I begin to say.

Jeanette looked down in shame.

"You're fired." I said those two words without any emotions. 

"But sir Joseph is the only one that can fire me" that audacity of this woman.

I narrowed my eyes at her.

I really didn't care if Camille was seeing this.

"Miss Hand, you are fired. And Miss Hawkes will take your position" I said and I had security take Jeanette away.

I hadn't bother to see if Camille was fine with it.

Just great when I'm already in a pissed  off mood.

"Antonio how are you man" Mat comes making his way to me.

God I swear he doesn't have anything better to do than pester me.

"Already got tired of the assistant?" he smugly says.

I cracked my neck.

"By now you should know that I am not in the mood to chit chat." I said sharply.

"Actually I came bringing someone" He says.

I looked at him then I saw my daughter running towards me.

"Daddy!" she says flinging herself on me.

I swooped her up.

"Mat why is she here?" I asked.

"It's noon remember." He responds.

I was so caught up with the meeting from before and the incident I lost track of time.

"Yeah daddy I thought you forgot about me" Ellie pouts.

Somehow all my frustrations melted away.

"I would never forget about you. Ever" I pinky promised with her.

"Mat, take her down to my car I have matters to finish." I said.

"But daddy I missed you" Ellie says.

"Baby I'll see you in a few minutes alright?" I gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Then I set Ellie back to the ground.

"Miss Hawkes office now" I said when Mat took my daughter into the elevator.

"I am aware that you are Mr. Brenton's personal assistant. However As the CEO. my words overrule" I returned back to my cold demeanor.

"Mr. Smith, I only applied to R&D." Camille protests.

Woman these days.

"Miss Hawkes, are you questioning my authority" I cocked an eyebrow.

Then I folded my hands waiting for her response.

"No sir. Everything happened fast" she responds.

"You should get use to it now." I said and I saw the documents.

"Once you've settled in. I'll have Joseph give you the reviews" I put forth and took the documents.

"Thank you for organizing the documents" I added.

"I will be out for lunch now." I said

then I walked out of my office.

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