Danger... (Wild West Scenario)

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(So I had a very interesting dream last night, a small happy family was living near a town in the old west. There was the mom, the dad, two sons, and one daughter. That night seemed very normal, but there was soon a knock, and the mom was the one who went to answer it. Standing there at the door was the older sons Fiancé, a gun in hand, the Fiancé said this to the mom, "Your mother killed my family before you were born.... it's time for me to take everything away from you...." and she brought the gun up to shoot at the mom. The mom closed the door and quickly grabbed the revolver of the table, and yelled at her family to get back and go to the only room without windows. She peaked through the window and the woman shot at her, but she shot back. Somehow my perspective changed to the family during the gun fight. This gun fight went on for a while, but soon the shooting stopped, the dad kept the kids in the closet for a little longer, but then the father looked to the kids and said, "Stay here, I'll go out first." He slowly went out and went he got to the dining room, he saw both his wife and the fiancé on the floor, the mom barely moving the fiancé completely still. He ran to his wife's side, screaming their name, and the kids soon came in the room, their eyes wide with shock. After about a minute, the mom slowly opened her eyes, but also slowly moved her hand off the right side of her chest, revealing the bullet wound... and that's where my dream stopped, I wanna eventually build up to that in a roleplay, but I kind of also want to start where the family would begin. When the mom and dad got married kind of, or when the first kid (or maybe twins) was born. It's up to you on what ship we do, but it's gonna be in a Wild West setting.)

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