[Let's Rev It Up! 7] (Unnamed Scenario)

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(Help me please to find a good name for this one.)

It was a dark and stormy night, and (Villian or Antagonist character of your choice) was relaxing at home in their living room, and soon there was a knock on their door. They went and opened it and too their surprise, (Hero or Protagonist character of your choice) was standing there. Their clothes were ripped, (Extra add on if you want: In ways that suggested what had been done to them.) they were bleeding from many wounds, the appeared to be in a weird daze, it was clear they were drugged and assaulted, the mumbled weakly, "I-I didn't know... where else to go..." was all they could say before collapsing into (Villian or Antagonist character)'s arms.

(Can later turn into a relationship if you want, have fun.)

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