[Let's Rev It Up! 6] Abuse....

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(There's two scenarios for this, both can either turn very bad or good. I'll stop there and I'll go ahead and show you the scenarios. I'm not putting a picture with this one....)

Scenario 1 (High School)

You were a new student at (Chose a Name) High School. Though you recognized a few people you hadn't seen since you were little, most people you didn't recognize. When you ended up getting to your first period class early, you only saw one other person in the room except for the teacher. A (Chose Gender) in the middle of the classroom, they wore a Jacket with a high collar and wore gloves too, their shirt seemed to be a bit baggy... their bangs hid most of their face as they worked. Something seemed off about them to you, but the teacher soon greeted you with a smile and showed you to your seat which happened to be right next to that person. The warning bell then rang and more students started to shuffle into the class, but you were still concerned about the one person... do you approach them or leave them be?

Scenario 2

You were walking down the street when you noticed a certain someone.... the looked tense.... and like they dreaded where they were going. They also looked purely terrified.... so you follow them?

Scenario 3

(Create your own)

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