[Let's Rev It Up! 5] The Mechanic...

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    The war had been going on for years

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The war had been going on for years... many men had lost their lives to the war effort, and it showed no signs of ending. Female mechanics were slowly being brought into the army camps to work on machines, trucks, tanks... anything that needed to be repaired that they could repair...

Yet in a specific camp... there was a specific mechanic that was not like the others... and only one soldier seemed to notice. They were a Colonel, and were slowly making their way up in the ranks, but the question is... would they approach this mechanic? Or watch them from afar? Time would only tell what would happen...

(This mechanic could be a male disguised as a female, or could be just a very special and unique person. It's all up to you on what you decide. I would like to try one with Yusei and Jaden though with at least one person, only if they want too.)

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