Starshipping/Bonds Beyond Time Scenario

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(You can chose if you want to do Starshipping, Bonds Beyond Time, or both

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(You can chose if you want to do Starshipping, Bonds Beyond Time, or both. ^ ^ )

Jaden hadn't seen Yusei is quite some time, and was starting to grow worried about his friend. He decided that he needed to find him and went to go search for him (for the Bonds Beyond Time one he would search for a way to time travel and eventually travel to Yusei's time when he finds a way.) As he was looking for him, he ran into a tall blonde haired man, literally ran into him. The man glared at him at first and yelled, "Watch where your going!" Jaden responded with a goofy smile and as rubbed the back of his neck, "S-Sorry. I'm just trying to find a friend of mine," He pulled out a photo of him, Yusei, and Yugi and pointed to Yusei and said, "I'm looking for this man here, his name is Yusei Fudo, do you know where I can find him by chance?" The blonde man's eyes softened a bit, "Yeah, I do know where he is. He's my younger brother."

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