The Goddess...

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(This one we can switch up characters if preferred, but if possible I would like to use Jack and Yusei

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(This one we can switch up characters if preferred, but if possible I would like to use Jack and Yusei.)

A beautiful, young looking goddess was riding through the forest on a white mare, her face covered by the hood of her royal blue cloak. As she was riding through, she was ambushed by a gang of thieves, but before she could use her powers to take care of them herself, a man dressed in torn and tattered clothes, except for his cloak, and he held a silvery blue broadsword. He attacked the men, showing no fear, but he didn't kill them, he let them flee. He leaned on a tree afterwards, he had received a wound in his side from the feud, but then he looked to the woman, "Take the road around the forest... there are more towns there and less thieves..." The goddess looked at him, "But what about you? Your injured.... and it looks quite severe...." The man shook his head softly, his bangs remaining over his eye the whole time, "Don't worry about me... I'll be fine...." He then limped off into the forest, not even saying goodbye. The goddess felt something strange about the man's aura... he wasn't a normal mortal... but... there was something else she felt towards the man... something that she couldn't describe... but she had to decide whether to continue her journey towards the bay that was still a 2 day journey away... or go after the man to try and help him....

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