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(This one is kind of a more sad one, but I still decided to post it

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(This one is kind of a more sad one, but I still decided to post it.)

No matter how much he helped, or how much he tried to be a part of society, Yusei was never fully accepted into Neo Domino... people still thought foul and bad of him, even after all he did to try and fix and repair many wrongs, and make things right.... it was noticeable that it was becoming harder and harder to find Yusei in public... he seemed to almost disappear, as if he was never there... Friends and his family started to look for him, but he was still no where to be found... his duel runner was gone, the stuff in his room was gone.... was it possible he moved out of the city?.... Was he just hiding?... No one knew the truth.... would anyone know the truth?

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