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     Your life was just like any other, you had a good job, great friends, and a nice apartment to live in. (Feel free to add powers or excitement if you wish) Nothing weird really happened in your life, and that was just how you wanted it to be. But one night would end up changing everything.

     You had just gotten home from a long day of working, and it was around midnight. Just as you were heading to bed, a loud crash was heard from the living room. Thinking someone was trying to break in, you grabbed (a weapon of your choice, or nothing, it's up to you) from the closet and went to check it out. But as you entered the living room, everything was spotless and normal except for shards of glass on the floor. There was no way anyone could break in through the window, you lived on the sixth floor!

     Soon you saw splotches of crimson on the floor, as well as a few feathers near the window. You followed this trail to behind your couch and you found a small boy with huge beautiful wings, but one was bloodied and injured now. He was huddled on the ground, wearing what appeared to be a white night gown of sorts which now has crimson on it, as well as he had a collar with what appeared to be a dog tag on it. He was clutching his bloody wing, wincing and softly crying out of pain. His life and what happens to him is now in your hands, what do you do?

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