[Let's Rev It Up! 8] Alleyway... (Sad Scenario)

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(And now I randomly fall into a sad mood where I want to create depressing scenarios, but I still want to do baby scenarios. Anyways, here's this one I randomly made based off of watching depressing videos on YouTube.)

It was growing colder as the night grew darker, the city lights the only thing guiding you home and illuminating the sidewalk. You soon walked past an alley you almost always did when you were on your way home. As you passed it though, you heard quite fussing, you stopped in your tracks when you heard this and slowly backed up, looking into the dark alleyway. You waited a bit, and soon heard the fussing again, it sounded like a child was nearby, but the noises were muffled. You slowly entered the alleyway, wanting to find the poor thing. You looked high and low through the small alley, but couldn't find the child. You were slowly losing hope, but when you passed a small duffel bag by the dumpster, the fussing could be heard clearer. You soon knelt down by the bag, and slowly started to open it, wanting to know what was inside. You gasped lightly when you saw a baby, laying there in a mess of blankets in the duffel bag with only a diaper, no clothes on it at all, the diaper had long since been soiled too. What do you do?

(Again, this is based off a YouTube video that was based off a true story. I tried to find the video again so I could add it, but I never found it a second time.)

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