(Another BBT Scenario!) Injured...

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(What If during the duel against paradox, not only were they dueling for the game they love and their souls, but what if every time they took damage, the took actual physical damage too. I went over the battle scene again, and out of all three, Yusei took the most damage. So, what would Yugi/Yami and Jaden do if Yusei was heavily injured since Yusei was the one who brought Jaden to Yugi's time?)

It was finally over, the duel was finally won and Yusei, Jaden, and Yugi's timelines are safe from harm. All three duelists are panting heavily, but out of the three off them Yusei seemed to be the most exhausted. Yugi looked back to Yusei, and noticed that Yusei was holding his side. Worried about his new friend he walked towards him, Jaden soon noticed too and followed Yugi.

(And I'll leave it there for you to pick up from. ^ ^ )

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