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(Before we begin, this is kind of going to be a bit of a history lesson on Giesha. They were very popular before World War 2 in Japan. Giesha are Japanese hostesses trained to entertain men with conversation, dance, and song. Giesha can be found in several cities across Japan, but are most commonly found in the former capital Kyoto. Back before World War II, Some were brought into the house by choice, others were sold (presently its all by choice). They were trained in special schools to became Giesha, and the house they went to or were sold to, they were bound to. A Giesha always starts as a Maiko, an apprentice Giesha. Before the war, a Miako must have their Mizuage (Virginity) Sold to the highest bidder in order to become a full Giesha, this practice was ended after the war as it had became illegal. A Giesha after their Mizuage was sold must never do anything sexual with their clients or even have boyfriends. The way I got inspired was watching a movie called Memoirs of a Giesha. I thought it'd be cool to make a scenario based off of this, maybe even a story later on. ^ ^ Anyways, I hope you enjoy these scenarios, sorry about the history lesson I had to give with it.)

A wealthy man's son who had traveled to Koyoto with his father on business saw a young Miako with the Giesha who was training her, though she didn't show it in the way she talked or the emotions she showed on her face, in her eyes she looked afrai...

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A wealthy man's son who had traveled to Koyoto with his father on business saw a young Miako with the Giesha who was training her, though she didn't show it in the way she talked or the emotions she showed on her face, in her eyes she looked afraid and panicking, though her face showed a smiling young woman, entertaining the men in that tea house. The son decided he would try and come into contact with her to try and help her, though he didn't know what was truly wrong.

(This one can kind of have two starts, maybe it's a guy disguising himself as a female, and he doesn't want to reveal that he's male but that might happened because he has to sell his Mizuage in order to become a full Giesha, or she could be just really nervous, or afraid of another/other Giesha.)

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