I was losing my mind.

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Hey! Thank you for all of your questions! The convention was great and I got to talk to Matt which was what I dreamed of my whole life. I got to ask one question, which was my own because first I didn't even know how to ask a question and that was a mess and then I was too shy to ask again. Anyway, it was awesome. I forgot to upload yesterday so here's it today! Have a great day. ❤️

Alec's POV

Blake was being treated in his room. Celine had called a team of doctors. Well, actually it was Matt. Matt wasn't a doctor but he was a professor for medical help, so there wasn't a big difference. He took care of him as soon as we came back. The siblings didn't know we were going to kill Liam. They thought we would hand him over to the police. However, we said that it was self-defense and it actually was. I mean we intend to kill him but he hurt us first. They were shocked at first, but seemed to be able to process it well. They hated their brother.

I felt bad to have lied to them. I think they didn't deserve that, but they certainly wouldn't have agreed that we would kill him. Jonas was already on the way to announce that he would be the new leader. The gang is in good hands and will soon no longer exist. The others have already left.

I sat in my room and tried to calm down. Magnus was not here. At least not yet. Jonas said he was trying to find out if he was still there before it all happened and tell us. I wanted to go with him, but he said that it would not be a good idea as it would cause anger.

I couldn't think clearly. I was driving myself crazy. I was scared for Magnus like never before. Not knowing how he is or whether he is still alive is terrible. It was all my fault. I should just have pulled the trigger earlier. Now maybe Blake and Magnus were bleeding to death. He was gone. There was a knock on the door and Elliott came in. I didn't look at him. I didn't want to.

"Alec, I'm so-" he started but I raised my hand. I didn't want to hear it. I wasn't angry with Elliott, after all, he only saved my life, but I was angry with myself. I was angry that I listened to Elliott and didn't run in again. "Blake is fine. He is stable." he let me know. I nodded. That was good. At least I could somehow save one life. Elliott sighed and came up to me. He sat down next to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"It's my fault, isn't it?" I asked, looking at Elliott. He frowned and shook his head.

"Listen, none of us knew he had an alarm like this, and nobody knew he was going to attack Blake." Elliott explained. "He knew he was going to die. He wanted to take one of us with him." said Elliott. I looked down and nodded.

"Maybe he took one of us with him." I said. Elliott shook me and looked at me angrily.

"Don't say that, do you understand?" he asked. "I don't want to hear anything like that." said Elliott. Another tear ran down my cheek. I couldn't hold it back. The fear and the guilt feelings did that to me. It was almost unbearable. Like every vein in your body is aching. Like the whole world is screaming at you and it just hurts in your ears and you get a bad headache. There is nothing you could do. „Come on, let's go to Celine." he said. I sighed and nodded. I haven't talked to her much so far. I went to my room pretty quickly.

We went outside and I saw Celine sitting at the table. She leaned back and sighed. She also seemed to be nerve-wracked. Just as I was about to sit down with her, I heard the door open. I turned and couldn't believe my eyes. It was Magnus who came through the door.

I thought that at that moment my heart stopped with relief. All the angst and all the stress, all the pain just left my body. He also seemed relieved to see me. We looked at each other and walked towards each other. I opened my arms and hugged him like I never did before. Tears of relief were in my eyes. He was here. In my arms. He was fine.

"You are alive." I sighed. I hid my face in his shoulder and just enjoyed the moment. We swayed back and forth. I've never been so happy in my life. Never. We made it.

"You too." he said, slowly pulling away from me. I saw his beautiful face and noticed that his lip was bleeding. He seemed like he was involved in a fight. Celine was behind me. I took a step to the side and was reluctant to let go of Magnus. Celine also hugged Magnus.

"I had lost connection. I was so afraid." she said and Magnus smiled in relief.

"Yes, I lost the microphone." he admitted. "It was all pretty chaotic." he let us know. I could imagine that. Celine laughed with tears in her eyes.

Ten minutes later, Magnus was sitting on my bed. I had a wet towel in my hand and carefully dabbed his lip. It was bleeding pretty badly and he sighed everytime I pressed the towel on his lip. I had put my hand on his cheek.

"I was losing my mind." I admitted now. Magnus nodded. „Not knowing if you were alive or dead. I've never been more terrified in my life." I said. He smiled a little.

"I felt the same way." he explained. "I was just about to leave when the alarm went off. At first everyone just looked at each other in confusion and then they attacked me." he explained. "However, I had made it because many ran to Liam. I was able to escape in time. Only my lip didn't survive, because some asshole punched me in the face." he let me know.

"I thought you didn't get out in time. I wanted to get back in and get you, but we had to bring Blake here and then we heard them coming." I explained to him. He frowned.

"What's wrong with Blake?" he wanted to know. I sighed.

"Liam stabbed him." I admitted. Magnus looked at me in shock. "But he's okay." I added. I started telling Magnus the whole story. How it all happened and how we got out. It was terrible, but I was glad that it was over now. We had survived.

Magnus got up and wrapped his arms around my waist. He smiled and looked at me dreamily. I was so glad that he was here. Here with me. I put my lips on his and kissed him gently. He sighed in pain, which is why I started back. Right, his lip.

"Oh I'm sorry." I said. Magnus laughed and kissed me again. The kiss was full of passion and love. Love, oh yes, I loved Magnus. We had been through a lot and nothing good, but that never changed my love for him.

I would never love someone the way I loved him.

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