He is now in a coma.

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Hello, hello! I just finished my workday and I'm on my way home. Working is exhausting but it's okay <3
I hope you're all doing fine 🧚🏻‍♀️✨

One week. It took us all one week to recover. Including me. I was in bed most of the time. The others also had some injuries, but that healed quickly. For a short time, I was afraid of bleeding from the inside, but this was not the case. I was fine and apart from some bruises there and some scars here is nothing to see.

Celine was with me most of the time. Every now and then she went to Elliott. The two of them seemed to get along very well and I'm happy about that. However, I hoped that she wouldn't fall in love with him, because that would probably work out the same way as for me and Alec. Which is not at all.

Alec and I weren't really talking anymore. Sometimes he checked how I was, but that's it. I wanted to talk to him but I didn't know what to say. It was just a stupid situation we're in. I knew he was right, but I didn't want to let him go.

Nick was often at my side too. We haven't talked about the kiss yet either. It seemed kind of a taboo. I feel bad about it. I love Alec and not Nick, I know that, but the relationship between Nick and me is complicated. I would be lying if I said there was nothing there. Maybe not love, but something else.

Just now, I stood in front of the mirror and fixed my hair. It was already noon, but I slept quite a long time. We all slept a long time. Maybe it was the stress, or the pain reliever.

As soon as I was done, I went out of the bathroom and went outside to the others. They were having lunch, but I didn't feel like it. Sometimes I feel sick when I eat something. I think that comes from the kicks I got in the stomach. Nick's face lit up when he saw me.

"Good morning! Sit down, we have a lot to eat." Nick said with a big smile. I shook my head, also with a smile. Even Alec looked at me.

"Um, no thanks. I'm not hungry." I said and Elliott frowned. Celine was sitting next to Elliott. I think Elliott likes Celine more than just a friend but like Elliott is not Celine's type at all.

"Didn't you say that yesterday?" asked Elliott. I shrugged my shoulders. "Okay, then there will be more for us." he said and took another piece of bread.

I laughed and turned to go back to my room. I sat on my bed and reached for my phone. I haven't checked that in a long time, after all Celine was here now and therefore not many others messaged me.

I saw that I had a few missed calls from an unknown number. I have never seen this number before. Without thinking about who this number might belong to, I called the number back.

"Magnus?" I heard a female voice speak. I frowned. How did this person know my name? "Magnus, is that you?" she asked.

"Uh, yes, I'm Magnus." answered hesitantly. I heard a relieved sigh on the other line. Who was that?

"It's me, Aunt Hannah." she let me know. I swallowed hard. My aunt? Hannah? The last time I spoke to her was when I was 14 years old. Why did she call me and where did she get my number from?

"Aunt Hannah? Nice to hear from you!" I said. My aunt was my only real caregiver at the time. My father wasn't really there for me, but she was. She looked after me when my father couldn't. She even wanted to adopt me, but my father didn't allow that. At some point my father had chased her away.

My father told me that at some point she married a man and adopted a son herself because she could never have children herself. I think that was why she always treated me like her own son.

"Glad to hear from you too. I did everything I could to get your number. Unfortunately, I have bad news." she said and I frowned. What reason could she be calling? "Your father had a cardiac arrest. He is now in a coma." she let me know. I held my breath.

"How is he?" I asked. My father was in a coma? It hurt to hear, even if we didn't have the best relationship. He was my father. The only parent that I still had. Even if I hate him for some things, there is a part of me that loves him. Just like a son should love his father.

My father wasn't always an angry men. He was loving and protective. He had always put me and my mother above everything. We were the most important people in his life. However, when my mother committed suicide because of depression, he had changed.

He started drinking alcohol. He was never at home. Most of the time he was hanging out in bars. I was home alone. It was not uncommon for him to hit me while he was drunk. At that time our relationship fell apart, because it was at this time that I would have needed my father the most. I hated him and moved out as fast as I could. It wasn't until I was an adult that I understood that he wasn't actually a bad person. The pain just destroyed him.

I didn't want to get in touch with him anymore. The contact had been lost for years and I didn't think it was a good idea. Who knows if he wanted to see me at all?

"He is stable, but I thought you should probably know that." She said. "I know you two didn't have a good relationship, but I know he still meant something to you." she continued. I sighed.

"Yes you are right." I said. It was really hard to hear.

"I thought you might want to visit him." she suggested. I sighed. If only it were all that simple.

"I would if I could, but I can't just go to Australia like that." I explained to her. As soon as I was gone, he emigrated to Australia. I always thought he escaped from me.

"Australia? He hasn't lived there for a long time." she said. What? "He came back a few years ago. He lived close to us in Washington D.C." she said. Wait what? He was so close to me all the time?

"Why did he never contact me? Or why didn't you?" I asked confused and hurt. He was here, so he would have had a chance to contact me again at any time.

"He thought about it but didn't want it. He thought that you probably built your own life. A wife or a husband, children, house, a good job." she said. Well, not entirely. "He didn't want to destroy your life anymore." she said. I felt tears in my eyes.

"Well, at least I have a good job." I said and she laughed a little. "I would like to see you, but I would have to check on a few things first. I'm not sure whether it works." I answered. I knew it was going to be very difficult, but it was important to me.

"I, or rather we, would be very happy to see you." she said. I smiled a little. I would be happy too, I thought. "Call me as soon as you have decided." she said. I thanked her and hung up. How do I handle that?

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