I am engaged.

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Good Morning! I still have so many ideas for this book even though I already finished. I could literally fill like 5 books out of my ideas for it hahaha.
I hope you're doing fine! ✨🧚🏻‍♀️

*Alec's POV*

„I can't believe it!" said Jace, looking at me in shock. A grin formed on his lips again. "Alec Lightwood! The only true Alec Lightwood!" he said and came up to me with open arms. He hugged me tightly. I didn't know how to react, but I hugged him back.

"Man, I thought I would never see you again!" he said, releasing me to smile at me. I noticed the confused looks that rested on us. I couldn't blame them. "Oh, I'm sorry! I'm Jace, and you're Magnus, right?" he said now and turned to Magnus. He smiled at him and gave him his hand. He also introduced himself to Nick.

"So you know each other?" Magnus asked, frowning. Jace nodded in delight. Oh yes, we did and I didn't know if I should be happy to see him here.

"Yes, of course I know Alec! We know each other from the children's home. We were best friends until I was adopted." he explained and I just nodded.

Jace and I were inseparable. Well, Jace, Izzy and I were inseparable. He was like my brother. We did everything together. Our friendship started by me pushing him off the swing. He was very angry, but that's how we started talking. He was my first friend there and my only one.

When he was adopted, I hid in my room for days. I had lost my friend. Especially Izzy was there for me during this time, although he had meant a lot to her too. She was there for me and shortly afterwards she was adopted as well. I wasn't, because I was always the complicated child. Who wants a broken child, right?

"I've tried to find you many times, but it's really not easy. It was like you didn't exist." he let me know. Well, that's an advantage if you do criminal things.

"Yes, um, I travel a lot." I admitted. I mean, it wasn't even a lie. Magnus looked back and forth between me and Jace.

"So you're the Alec that Jace told me everything about." Hannah noted. "I have to admit, the thought came to me, but I thought it was way too crazy." She said. Yes, it was. "I think you have a lot to talk about. Maybe Nick, Magnus and I will go for a coffee first and you tell each other what you missed?" Hannah asked, whereupon Jace nodded in delight. What should I tell him? That my whole life is a disaster?

So Magnus and the others left us. Now it was just Jace and me. Kind of uncomfortable.

"Should we maybe go for a walk in the garden?" he asked and I nodded. That would be better than this hospital environment. Hospitals made me nervous.

So we went side by side in the garden. At first we were both silent. After so many years, you happen to meet in the hospital. That sounds crazy.

"Why are you here?" Jace asked in surprise and started our conversation.

"Because of Magnus." I explained truthfully. "I wanted to support him a little, after all it's his father." I said and he nodded. We didn't look at each other, we just stared into the distance as we walked side by side.

"Is he your boyfriend?" he asked and I shook my head. Jace knew I was gay. I already confessed it to him back then.

"Um, no, that's more complicated." I said and he grinned. "What about you? Are you in a relationship?" I asked and he nodded with a smile.

"I am engaged." he admitted proudly. "Her name is Clary and she is really wonderful." he explained to me with a smile on his face. That must be nice, I thought. To have someone you can love unconditionally, without any problems. Getting married, having children are all things I can't do because my life just went wrong.

"I am very happy for you." I replied with a smile. Jace was also not always very easy as a child. He had been through a lot. His parents died when he was a little child, but he managed to get his life back under control.

"What about you? Job? Pets? Apartment or house?" he asked with interest. I sighed.

"I currently live in a shared apartment with three friends." I admitted. "Well, and Magnus with his best friend, but that's another story." I explained. "'Um and I work in a cafe," I lied. He nodded. "What about you?"

"I am a mechanic and live in a house with Clary." he explained to me. I nodded. "Oh my God." he said now and stopped. I looked at him confused.

"What is it?" I asked. What did he think of?

"Izzy!" he said now. "She'll go crazy if I tell her I met you!" he said. Oh shit, no, no, no.

"Are you talking to her?" I asked. How so? Shit, that's even more inappropriate than I thought.

"Yes, she went looking for us but only found me." he explained. "We are very close friends." he said. "You haven't seen each other in ages! Wait, I'll call her." he explained and wanted to pull his phone out of his pocket but I held onto his wrist.

"No!" I said out loud. He eyed me in confusion. "Please don't." I sighed. "I, uh .. I don't know if that would be a good idea." I explained. It's all very complicated. How do I get out of there?

"What? Why? Izzy spent half of her life looking for you. Don't you want to see her?" he asked confused. Fuck. I needed an excuse. What should I say? Why shouldn't I want to see my own twin sister?

That would destroy everything. We need James, and under no circumstances should he find out that I am Isabelle's brother. Otherwise Jace and Izzy knew about what I was doing. If I were to meet Isabelle now, James would know that too.

"I uh, I travel a lot and, uh .. she would probably never see me anyway." I meant. Wow, that was a bad excuse. He frowned.

"Dude, I think she doesn't care." he said. "Is everything okay?" he asked confused, since I was visibly nervous. No, not really. Under no circumstances should Izzy be pulled into all of this.

"Don't call her. Not yet." I meant. "Give me a little more time. I have to process all of this first." I explained. Jace sighed and nodded. Okay, now I had a little time to create a good emergency solution.

Name of the next chapter: You two deserve each other.

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