Oh, a girl. How cute.

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Good Morning! Home-schooling is almost over and I'll be going back to school on monday. That means the updates won't be this regular anymore. I already wrote the chapter this Chapter 53 but since my exams start really soon I won't have enough time to write every day. I have to save the chapters so u don't have to wait two weeks for a new one. I hope that's understandable. ❤️

Three more days had passed and we found nothing. It was just exhausting. We were always looking for new gang members, but they would simply not tell us anything. Loyalty is actually a good thing, but not for us this time.

Often some people were beaten up, for some we didn't even try. I wasn't made for that. I hated that, but I wanted it to be over as soon as possible, and we needed more informations for that. How are they all so patient?

We were just sitting at the table eating together. There was meat with potatoes and it tasted surprisingly good. Elliott had done it for us. I was tired because I couldn't really sleep at night. I was constantly afraid that someone might break in again. Even though I knew the others were here, I felt like I was being watched.

I don't know what they did with the guy and I don't want to know either. Maybe he was dead. Would they do something like that? Murder people? I know they're threatening it, but have they actually killed someone? Alec didn't, at least he told me that.

Alec was avoiding to me after that night. I just didn't understand it. At one point he still seems to like me, and at the other moment he's as cold as if he didn't care. Why? What did I do wrong?

"What are we going to do?" asked Elliott. Blake sighed and shrugged. He also seemed a little desperate by now.

"I don't know, Elliott. I have no fucking idea." he said exhausted. I can understand him.

"How about we just switch off tonight?" I asked. Blake raised an eyebrow. Elliott smiled at me.

"Well, that sounds like an idea that I like." said El. I grinned. At least Elliott would always agree with me.

"Yeah, let's have fun. Let's go downtown. To Time Square, I mean we're in New York!" I said. Since we had no plan anyway, there was nothing bad about it.

"I'm in." said Nick and smiled at me. I was glad to always have Nick on my side. Blake and Alec looked at each other and then nodded.

"Okay, fine." Blake said and Elliott cheered. "We'll go after dinner." he said. It was already dark, but I couldn't sleep anyway.

Everyone ate and cleaned up. Then everyone got ready. We left the apartment shortly before 10 p.m. We were looking for a subway because we didn't want to go by car. After a while we were finally there. On Timesquare.

There were a lot of people here. The lights shone brightly. I loved it here. It seemed so full of life. People were walking around and some were stressed. Many tourist were also to be seen. They took pictures and Elliott was one of them. I giggled. Alexander seemed pretty unimpressed. After all, he lived here. I wonder if there are good or bad memories at this place.

"And what are we doing here?" Blake asked. I grinned. Was that a question at all?

"Well, I don't know what you want to do, but I'm moving my body to the next shop and getting some new things first." I explained.

"We're moving all the time. More things would just mean dragging more." Alec replied a little annoyed. Why was he annoyed all the time? Isn't that kind of exhausting?

"Well, throw away some of your torn jeans." I said, causing Elliott and Nick to giggle. Alec just kept looking at me, annoyed. "You can also look around and maybe go for a coffee. I will definitely buy a new shower gel." I added. Nick nodded.

"I'm coming with you, after all, you shouldn't be walking around here alone." he let me know. I smiled at him and nodded. Alec looked back and forth between the two of us, then sighed.

"Okay, let's go look around." he said to Elliott and Blake. The two just nodded. Somehow I thought it was sad Alec didn't want to come with me, but I'm not surprised. "Leave your phone on loud. I'll message you." he said to Nick.

Nick nodded and the three turned. We also turned and left. I loved New York and I actually enjoyed being here, but I wish it was under different circumstances.

We entered a store. Nick just followed me because he didn't know what I was looking for. I smiled when I found the shower gel I was looking for. Nick frowned and watched me amused.

"And what makes this shower gel so special?" he asked confused. I turned to him and grinned.

"I was here once with Celine, but only for two days. I bought this shower gel and it was the best I have ever used, but I never found it anywhere after that." I said. Because of this, I immediately took three. Who knows when I would come back next time.

Nick just shook his head laughing. I paid and we left the shop. We walked down the streets. It was cool, but it was still pleasant. We were silent until Nick cleared his throat.

"How are you?" he asked and somehow I was surprised by this question. I wasn't expecting it and it feels like I haven't been asked this in ages.

"I'm okay, I think." I replied with a smile. Nick looked at me skeptically.

"Are you sure?" he asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I honestly don't know. I feel so lonely." I said with a sigh. "I miss a lot." I added and looked at the floor.

"Celine?" he asked.

"Yes, her too, but also Alec, if I'm honest." I explained. Nick looked at me a little confused. "I know it's hard to understand, but Alec was so nice when I met him and now he's so different and I miss the Alec I met." I explained. Nick sighed and nodded.

"I understand that." he said and I looked him in the face. "But if he doesn't treat you the way you deserve, he may not be worth it because you deserve to be treated good, Magnus." he said. I smiled a little at him. He's probably right, but I can't just switch off my feelings.

Just as I was going to say something, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into a side street. I was pressed against the wall and it was difficult to breathe. Shit, what's happening now?

I saw the guy I kicked when he called me a bitch. Great, that was his revenge. He had an evil smile on his face and his eyes also radiated anger. I looked aside and saw that they had grabbed Nick too. There were two guys. Exactly the guys that were there the last time.

"Well, did you miss me?" he asked. He pressed me closer to the wall, so it hurt even more. Stupid bastard.

"Hey, he's not even one of us. Let him go." Nick said now. I gave Nick an angry look. He can't expect me to leave him behind. The guy just laughed.

"So you too?" asked he. "Who weren't you in bed with?" he asked. Oh, wow, here we are again. "I just want to take my revenge, it will be over soon." he said and took a swing. He hit me in the face with full force once and I could feel the blood coming out of my nose. Ouch.

"Stop it!" Nick called desperately. He didn't care. He grinned and swung out again.

"Didn't you hear him? He said stop it." said a female voice. The voice seemed familiar to me. Very familiar. "Let them go or I swear to God I'll force you to do it." said the person. The guy turned but didn't let me go.

I couldn't see who was here and was helping us because he blocked my view, but I had a clue and I didn't like it.

"Oh, a girl. How cute." he said. I heard a click, which sounded like loading a weapon.

"A girl that will shoot you in the ass." she said. He laughed, but then let us go. I breathed a sigh of relief when I finally could breathe again. "And now piss off." she said. He actually did. The other let go of Nick and the two disappeared.

Now I could see her and my guess was right. I looked into her eyes. Oh no.

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