Let him go.

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Hello Hello. I hope you're all doing fine. I don't have anything to say sooo have fun with the chapter <3

I walked through the streets with a bag in my hands. My things were in this bag. My clothes and everything else that I had. Nick went next to me. We were silent because I didn't feel like talking.

I was so disappointed and angry. He used me. Everything he said was a lie. All these kisses, every touch, everything was lied. Why? Why did he send me through hell? What kind of person does that? Why should you destroy a person like this?

Nobody said a word when I left. Not Blake, not Elliott, not Alec. Not even Celine. I felt so betrayed by all of them. Even my own best friend that I have known for years. I didn't want that anymore. I wanted my old life back. I wish I had never met Alexander. The pain was unbearable.

I didn't know what to do next, but I didn't want to stay there anymore. I had to get out. I couldn't look Alec in the eyes anymore. I told him I hated him. I did, but I loved him anyway, and that's why I was not only angry, but also infinitely sad.

"Where do we go now?" I asked Nick. After all, we now had nowhere to sleep.

"Don't worry, I already know where we're going." he said. We have been walking for quite a while. It felt like an eternity. "It's not that luxurious, but it's better than nothing." he explained. I just nodded. Everything is better than sleeping on the street, or in the same apartment as Alexander.

We arrived about half an hour later. It was really not very nice. The street was rancid and full of garbage cans. We went through an old wooden door that led into a big hall. There was a sofa, a mattress, a table and a fridge. However, I feared that the refrigerator did no longer work.

There wasn't even a sink or shower. Wow, I'm going to stink. It was also cold. I looked around and put my bag down. There was also a car here, the hall had so much space. It didn't even seem that old.

"I'm sorry, I wouldn't find anything better now." he said. I shrugged my shoulders. I just couldn't care less at the moment. "Me and the others found that while we were looking for gang members. You were sick that day." he explained. That's right, that was when this Chris tried to choke me.

"That's fine." I said and sat on the sofa. Nick smiled at me and sat next to me. He stared at me.

"I'm sorry about Alec." he said. "I thought you should know. I didn't want him to hurt you." he explained to me. I nodded. I was glad to know the truth, even if it hurt. The timing may have been a little inappropriate, but okay.

"Yes, I know." I replied softly. I leaned back. He was still looking at me. "I just can't believe he did that." I admitted. Nick shrugged.

"I also thought it was a stupid idea." he said. I stared and sighed. "But hey, now we have time for us." he said and put a hand on my thigh. I looked at his hand and got up. Somehow I didn't want to be touched right now. It felt weird. "Is everything okay?" he asked. I nodded.

"Uh, yes." I said. "I just have to go to the toilet. Is there one here somewhere?" I asked and he nodded.

"Sure, there is a public toilet just around the corner." he said. "Should I show you?" he asked and I shook my head.

"No, I think I can find it alone." I said. He smiled and nodded. I opened the big wooden door and noticed that it opened pretty hard, but I made it. I should lift more weights again.


*Alec's POV*

I lay in my bed and stared at the ceiling. He left me. Magnus was gone and it was my fault. I hadn't told him the truth because I was too afraid that he would hate me and now I didn't tell him and he still hates me. He hated me and I loved him. More than anyone else.

The worst thing is that he is now gone with Nick. Nick, who found Magnus attractive from the start. Who kissed him even though he knew I loved him. Damn, I hated that bastard.

How should I sleep? How should I eat? How should I do anything without knowing if he's okay? I knew Nick would protect him, but I knew I could do it better. Nobody could protect him like I do. Nobody should protect him like I do.

There was a knock on the door and Blake came in. I looked at him for a moment, but shortly after I stared at the ceiling again. He came up to me and sat next to me on the bed.

"You didn't plan it that way, did you?" asked he. I sighed. "I'm sorry he left." he said.

"Well, it's my fault." I stated. Blake and I were never really emotional. He knew when I wasn't feeling well, but I rarely talked to him about it. I generally never talk to anyone about it.

"Did you think he would never find out?" he asked. I shrugged my shoulders. Honestly, I never thought about it. What I did was wrong, but I never thought he would ever mean so much to me.

It should have never gone that far. I never should have slept with him. These were real feelings that made me do it. I knew it was wrong. I knew I made a huge mistake, which is why I left.

"At some point he would have left anyway." I said. "I couldn't tell him." I admitted. "Fortunately, Nick did it for me." I said sarcastically.

"Yes, it was really unfair of him." he said. "But we both knew he liked Magnus. I just didn't think he would leave us." he said. Nick was pretty close friends with the others.

Elliott and Nick in particular were very good friends. They got along brilliantly. They had the same sense of humor. Elliott was also the reason why he got into the gang in the first place. I didn't want to have him with us.

Nick arrived one day and asked for help. He knew us from another gang. The gang had just kicked him out, supposedly for no reason. I never wanted to take him in because he seemed a little weird to me, but Elliott knew him from elementary school before. So he insisted that he be accepted because he had no one else.

He became part of our gang. I couldn't let him starve to death outside. I didn't really like him, but he got along well with the others. Over time, we got along better. There were always a few arguments, but it got better. He was in our gang for three years.

"What should I do now?" I asked and Blake shrugged.

"Let him go." he said. If only it were that easy.

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